Monday, April 30, 2012

How to be Happy for No Reason

I recently read a fabulous book called "Happy for No Reason" by Marcy Shimoff

What I loved about this book is that the author provides simple truths to what it takes to actually achieve this, if you practice the principles every day. After reading the last page, I was inspired to write my list of what I think is important to be Happy for No Reason. I hope it inspires you to create your own list- to remind you of the good there is in your life. This is especially helpful when you are going through a challenging day or rough patch.Keep your list handy, or some place visible to remind yourself often! Here is  mine....

 1) Live in the present moment- do whatever you can to release and heal the past so it doesn't prevent you from growing and evolving into the present. What you do today will determine your tomorrow, but nothing can change the past.

2) Loving what is- learning to accept circumstances in life, and realize there are times when things are not in our control. Sometimes we must just accept what is, because it is the reality. We might not like it- but we can choose to learn from whatever is happening, and find the lesson or opportunity in any circumstance. Strive to change the things you can, and accept the things you can't.

3) Keep life as simple as possible- As a favorite author of mine Cheryl Richardson has said many times, "we choose to be busy" and most people are filling their time with extra commitments that perhaps, if they said no to someone, or made a conscious choice to not fill every minute of the day with something, would free up time in their day to do something enjoyable or to just 'be'. You can't enjoy the present moment when you are racing all over the place form one activity or commitment to another. Try to simplify your life in as many ways as you can. There are many books written on this subject, and here is a list to get you started:

4) Laugh more! Look for the humor in any situation, and surround yourself with people who make you laugh till your cheeks hurt (I have a several friends who never fail to do this when we are together- how about you?)

5) Love yourself- Yes I know, I used to think (gag!!) when I would read this or hear this 'Love yourself' stuff- I would think "Love myself?" "That sounds so cheesy!" however;  I now realize how a lack of self love and acceptance, is the root of almost all of the destructive patterns and behaviors we engage in that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns and life circumstances. If we don't truly love who we are at our core- unconditionally- we can not fully love another, or be kind to ourselves either!

6) Don't complain- This is a tough one, we all do it sometimes, but if you are a chronic complainer (either in your own head or out loud to others) you are actually attracting more of what you are complaining about, into your life! I have become more aware of when I am getting into this mind-frame, and I stop myself, and look for something positive in the situation instead. Or, I look for what action I can take to better the situation I am unhappy about, instead of wallowing in the negative and bringing others down in the process. Another bonus? You will attract more like minded people into your life. We all like to be around positive, happy people. Think about how you feel after being with someone who just spent an hour over coffee- complaining. Not so great right? Well the 'complainer' probably doesn't feel to great either- to be sure. Complaining only makes you more miserable.

7) Don't blame others- It is so easy to blame someone else for your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. We can fall into the trap of "you made me feel this way" or "you caused me to act like this because you..." if we believe that we are at the mercy of what other people do and say. We always have the choice to decide if we are going to allow someone else control our well-being and happiness! We are responsible for dealing with our own reactions to what is going on around us. All we have control of is ourselves-not what others do and say. You are giving your power away, by allowing someone else to upset you, make you angry or feel badly.

8) Develop and "Attitude of Gratitude"-  There are so many books written on this subject and how beneficial it is to be appreciative of all that you have. I can only suggest you Google on Amazon or go to a bookstore and get a book on the subject to learn more, as there is too much to cover here. It is said that some of the ares it will improve are your health, immune system, relationships, out look on life, and mood- if you just practice this one thing every day, as much as you can.

9) Find you passion and live it- We all can probably think of an activity or subject in life that energizes us when we are engaged in it: mine is- can you guess? Health and Wellness and anything to do with workings of the mind. Of course my children fall into that list as well- but when I am learning about, talking or teaching others about these subjects- I come alive, and feel energized when I am in this zone. An even bigger plus, if you can do what you love as your profession- it doesn't feel like work (well, most of the time) because you are in alignment with what you love, and what you do. Even if you can't make a career out of your passion, you can feed your soul by engaging in whatever makes you feel alive, as much as possible.

10)  Take care of your body- Your health is everything. Some people will spend large amounts money on material items, vacations, and eating out frequently, and so on,- but then say they 'can't afford' to eat healthy and take vitamins, or go to a gym or whatever. There are certainly people for whom this is true- people who are on low income or have to rely on the the food bank to feed themselves and their family- but I am speaking of people who, by choice, ignore their health and make excuses for why they aren't healthy, or why they are overweight etc.. " I don't have time" It's too much work to cook healthy meals" etc.. I don't mean to sound harsh or insensitive- but, you always have the choice to make conscious decisions of what you are going to put into your body, as well as keeping it strong and fit my regular exercise. Good health is one of those things that aren't fully appreciated- until you no longer have it. Be proactive, read books, visit a Naturopath for yearly check ups, take your vitamins, exercise. Do whatever you can to move toward a healthier lifestyle.

There you have grab a pen and paper, and create your own list. You can add to it when new realizations and awareness's appear, and before you know it, you will realize you are also Happy for No Reason!

Please feel free to share your thoughts here. I welcome discussion and feedback!
