Monday, December 10, 2012

Healthy Natural Weight loss: A Holistic approach to a healthy body weight

Weight loss. The weight loss industry consisting of fitness trainers, magic "diet plans" , gimmick shakes, and plans that calculate your allotted calories for the day, and so many more companies make money off of  people in a desperate state of trying to lose unhealthy excess body weight. The truth is, that it's not really about losing weight. It is, but it isn't. Yes, carrying around access body fat, in all the wrong places (midsection being the most unhealthy) is dangerous to our health and well~being  and can have an affect on how we feel about ourselves, and how we feel physically. Carrying too much weight can make exercise a challenge, and the reasons behind the weight gain can also cause low energy levels so it can be a vicious cycle! So for these health reasons, it is essential to shed unwanted inches if you want to attain vibrant health.

I feel the need to add another simple fact here that some are not aware of. If you are getting 20-30 mins of cardiovascular exercise 3-4 times per week and add resistance training (body weight exercises, lifting weights, yoga) into your regular routine, over time you will be gaining muscle and losing fat.

Remember: Fat weighs less than muscle, so as you slim down and shed body fat, you may not actually see it reflected on the scale. My advice? Ditch the scale, and focus on how your clothes feel, and how you are feeling, and of course, be proud of the changes in your appearance-(but please be kind to yourself, make sure what you are telling yourself about how you look in the mirror is loving and positive!)  Taking regular measurements is a more accurate way to track progress, if you are a person that likes to see results in numbers!

To be clear, when I say 'weight gain', it's just a nicer way of saying 'fat gain'. Let's face it, we all know we don't really care about what the numbers on the scale tell us, if we are feeling good, and looking fabulous! It's the body fat you want to lose, not necessarily just the weight itself, right?

 Back to what I was saying remedy a weight problem, most people focus on losing the weight (based on numbers on the scale). But, what it is truly about, is getting healthy from the inside out, so that the unhealthy body fat you may be carrying, is released naturally as a side affect of the body being in balance.

If the weight gain can be looked at as a side affect of an unhealthy body, or an imbalance from within, we can then start to work at changing the habits, behaviors and patterns that lead to the condition in the first place. Quick fix plans, and diet pills do nothing to fix the underlying issues that lead to unhealthy patterns. Research proves that when weight is lost from dieting or the latest fad weight loss plan, the weight often comes back, because the unhealthy patterns that contributed to the weight gain, are still there, and old habits return along with the weight that may have been lost.

The solution is building healthy lifestyle habits into your daily life- permanently. What you do every day matters more than what you do once in awhile, or for 10 days or 6 weeks. If it is not something you can realistically carry on with, and is not sustainable over time- it is a waste of time!

I am speaking from personal experience, and this information I will share with you is based on my experience, and extensive research on the subject. Please note: Talk to your doctor before making any changes to your current health regimen. If you are currently sedentary, and have not exercised for a period of time, or have current health issues, you should check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program, or making changes to your diet.

My tips for a healthy body weight and vibrant health:

Nutrition: Focus on QUALITY not QUANTITY: No weight loss advice would ever be complete without a focus on nutrition. Notice I say nutrition, not calorie counting, and measuring food. Been there, done that, and there is a better, easier, less stressful way! When you are eating abundant amounts of fresh fruits and veggies, you do not need to count calories. Eat less animal products (dairy, red meat) and put more emphasis on plant foods. This has been the biggest revelation I have made on my journey to becoming healthy and full of vitality. Smoothies, juicing vegetables, lots of salads, and veggie loaded homemade soups, fruit for snacks are all ways to put the focus on plant foods.
 Protein is important too, so make sure you are eating lean sources of protein with your meals and snacks. Eggs, whey protein powder, Greek yogurt, and chicken breast are all healthy sources of lean animal protein. If you are vegetarian, raw nuts/seeds, vegan protein shake powders, nut butters, whole grain (sprouted) breads if you are  not Gluten intolerant, beans, lentils are all good sources of plant protein. Preferably, all animal products and produce should be organic for obvious reasons.

Sugar and white, processed foods are the enemy to any health and weight loss goals. Pop (that
includes Diet varieties!), candy, cookies, pastries, white anything (bread,pasta,rice,sugar), packaged and boxed convenience foods are all on the 'nasties' list, so eat these foods as little as possible. It is unrealistic to try to avoid these foods at all costs, so just be mindful that they are not the foods our bodies thrive on, so be kind to your body by feeding it foods that keep it healthy and feeling great!

Exercise. Not too much, not too little. Make time for it most days of the week doing something you enjoy that gets your heart rate up, and strengthens and builds muscle. Lift weights, take a Pilates or Yoga class, dance, or other fitness classes available in your area. Invest in a treadmill and you will have no excuse on rainy days to skip your exercise! This is one of the best investments I have ever made. My favorite cardio workout is interval training or (HIIT). I alternate between sprinting and recovery periods of walking or jogging for 20-25 mins tops, 1-2 times/ week. HIIT is proven to burn more fat/calories than walking or jogging at a steady pace for the same amount of time, and has more cardiovascular benefits. I round it out with a quick strength training session, or some Yoga and a stretch and I'm done in about an hour. Shorter more intense sessions are more effective than longer ones, so no excuses. You can make time for a short workout!

Avoid toxins in your environment and in the foods you eat. Eat organic as much as possible. Avoid toxic house hold cleaners and body care products. Buy a juicer or good high speed blender and start drinking your veggies as juicing has a detoxifying affect on the body. I recommend the 3 day juicing detox suggested from the "Foodmatters" website. I love all of the ideas behind what they teach. If you are feeling really adventurous, head to the bookstore and buy their new book "Hungry for Change" based on the documentary. It is full of information about this topic, and healthy juicing and food recipes. It is one of my favorite health books right now. If you have not watched the 2 movies "Food Matters" and "Hungry for Change" I highly recommend you do. They are incredible!
Watch a trailer for the movie here:

Stress management is essential for overall health and weight loss. High cortisol levels (from chronically elevated stress levels) cause fat to accumulate around the middle, and can lead to many other serious health conditions over time. We can not avoid stress, only our perception of it, and how we manage our feelings of overwhelm. Incorporate stillness and relaxation into your day every day, optimally throughout the day to release any tension you are carrying, change your thoughts around stressful circumstances  look for the positive in any situation, focus on Gratitude.  

 "There is not such thing as stress, 
only people thinking stressful thoughts"
~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Heal emotionally, release the past and move into the present. Carrying around hurt, resentment, and negative feelings from the past is toxic to your health. Forgive those that need forgiving, and release any negative emotions you have toward others, and past experiences. This also leads me to Emotional Eating, and disordered eating patterns, which are emotionally related. These issues must be worked through, or results will be limited. Most people do not think to connect emotional health to physical health and weight loss, but the Mind/Body connection is undeniable. You are what you think. Your health is related to what you think. The state of your well-being is related to what you think, and how you feel emotionally. So work with a qualified counselor to bring healing to these areas of your life. Unhealed emotions can be at the root for emotional eating patterns, and self medicating with food or alcohol (both of which will limit weight loss results.)
Look for signs you are struggling with Emotional Eating which can also hinder weight-loss efforts. 

Hormone Imbalances: When our hormones are out of whack it creates havoc within the whole body. One hormone out of balance causes all others to become imbalanced as well. For example chronic stress can eventually cause the adrenals to fatigue, and cortisol levels to become depleted. To try and remain balanced the body starts to take from our progesterone stores and leads to low progesterone which can affect multiple systems in the body. One of those areas is inability to lose weight no matter how hard we try to eat right and exercise and deal with all of the above. Using bio-identical natural hormone replacement (not synthetic forms!) can compliment all of the other efforts to bring the body back into balance. The best way to have these hormones tested is through a naturopath who can order saliva testing.

Combining all of these important areas together, will result in a natural, permanent weight loss and will improve your life on so many levels. Weight gain is only a small part of the problem, and is a side affect to a body out of balance. Bring the body into balance, where it wants to be, and the weight will melt away with ease. It doesn't need to be complicated or stressful! No calorie counting, no extreme diets or intensive workout plans. Just sensible nutrition, exercise and caring for your mental and emotional health!

We must first love ourselves enough to only treat our bodies with the care and appreciation it deserves. The rest will fall into place as we learn this important life lesson, and learn to take care of our Mind, Body & Soul!


Registered Holistic Counsellor (R.P.C)
Wellness Coach

For assistance with developing your personalized plan and holistic approach to weight loss and overall health, please feel free to contact me via phone or email. You can also visit my website to join me wellness E-News, and grab a copy of my FREE Women's guide while you are there.
P: 250-319-3630
View my website:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Letting go~ and moving into the present moment

In pondering what to write about today, I came across this photo, which inspired this blog post.

Often when we are feeling weighed down by life, and feel stuck and unable to move forward, it means we need to assess areas that may need 'clearing', in order to move in to the present moment. We need to envision where we want to be, by visualizing in detail what we want in our lives, setting the intention and letting go, trusting and allowing the Universe to take care of the details. Have you ever allowed yourself to truly ponder the thought: What do I truly want for myself and my life?

I am asked often in my counselling practice, by clients, how to know what it is that is bringing them down, keeping them stuck, or preventing them from moving forward.Unfortunately, there is not a one line answer to this question, as connecting to these awareness-es looks different for everybody. Only YOU know what [or whom] is holding you back, weighing you down, draining your energy, making you sick, depressed or anxious.

Often times, this 'heaviness' is linked to the people in our lives. These can be family members, friends, co-workers, your spouse...anyone you come in to contact with that drains your positive energy, brings you down, cuts you down, complains, is un-supportive, makes you feel badly about yourself, throws insults, and so on. It is important to connect with your intuition here, your gut instinct and inner voice- and get clear about who these 'heavy' people are. Ask yourself these questions when you consider the people you are close with, or spend time with currently on a regular basis.
 Do you feel worse, or better after having spent time with this person? Does this person make you feel at ease, or on edge? Comfortable or on guard? What is their energy like? Heavy and toxic, or vibrant, positive and upbeat?

Once we become clearer about who these individuals are that suck the life out of us, then we can decide whether to cut them out of our life entirely, or just limit the amount of time spent around them. Sometimes, it means saying goodbye to relationships that no longer serve our Highest good.
It's also important to note that seeking out, and increasing time spent with people that choose to look at the bright side, are encouraging, supportive and a joy to be around is only going to improve your outlook in life, because we tend to take on the energies, viewpoints and thinking patterns of the company we keep! Something to be aware of for sure.

I must touch on this, although this could be a whole blog in itself. When looking at our current life circumstances, sometimes it is the way we are thinking and perceiving the situation that keeps things from moving forward. Our negative thinking patterns can most definitely weigh us down! If you have ever seen somebody (or know of somebody) that always looks unhappy, you can be almost sure they are not thinking good thoughts! They look heavy, like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, their energy is so heavy you can feel it. Thinking good thought makes you look good, and feel good! A positive mood shift is just one new thought away! When you think good thoughts, you radiate good vibes and attract more positive people and circumstances to you effortlessly.

Another area we can get bogged down with is unhealed pain from the past. This can be from childhood, adolescent years, all the way up to where we are at this point. Have you worked through the tough stuff by acknowledging it, working through it accepting it and letting it go? Have you forgiven those that have wronged you, hurt you, betrayed you, left you, violated you, taken advantage of you or abused you?
If the answer to this is no, then perhaps it is time to begin dealing with the unfinished business of the past, to fully move in to the present and look to the future. Once this 'stuff' has be processed and cleared, life is so much more beautiful and effortless!

Some ways to work through and release the weight of your past are: Talking to a qualified professional counsellor you trust- and are comfortable with, joining a support group that suits where you are in your life, talking to a few select friends you trust, journal-ling,  having a difficult conversion (s) with those that have hurt you, if it is possible, letter writing therapy, crying when you need to cry and acknowledging that you have the right to feel how you feel about whatever it is that has affected you so deeply.

 Simplified, the stages to healing are Acknowledgment (awareness), Processes-sing (working through) and  Acceptance of what happened, and  moving forward with the knowing that it all occurred to get you to where you are today, and has shaped the person you have become. The great news is that we can always CHOOSE to move into the present and not allow the past to define us today. Each day is a chance of renewal, change, and new choices. Choose to look at every day as a new beginning to make positive changes in your life. Seek out what makes your heart sing, and your soul fly. Choose to drop that which weighs you down and holds you back from living to your highest potential.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Developing skillful communication

Never underestimate the power of the spoken word.

Words have the power to inspire, uplift, encourage, comfort and validate.They also have the power to cause deep emotional pain and suffering and can cause profound psychological damage. We must choose our words wisely and be mindful of what comes out of our mouths.
 In Buddhist terms this is called "right speech" or "skillful speech" and has five marks: "It is speech that is timely, truthful, gentle, purposeful. and spoken with a mind of loving-kindness." 
Before you speak, first become aware of your intention for saying what you want to say. Focus on why you want to speak, and what you want to say, get connected to what is going on within. Are there negative or positive intentions? 

Use the THINK formula if in doubt: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

If everybody continually developed the skill of mindful speech, just imagine the ways in which things would change in the world we live in. Aside from looking at it from a Global perspective, how would using "skillful speech" affect your most important relationships? How would it improve your marriage? Your relationship with your children? Your friendships? How would it change how you relate to your co-workers and everyone else around you that you come into contact with? 

If we can stop in the face of conflict or a heated moment and check in with ourselves as to what we are feeling, and respond purposefully and mindfully, we avoid the tendency to react or say or do things we will later regret (and can not take back) that may offend another. The more we can develop the skill of pausing and thinking through our intentions, and what we really want to say to another, the less we will find ourselves in conflict situations.

If you would like to make some steps toward developing this skill, here are some ways you can get started:
  • If you are in a conflict with another person (in the moment) and feel it getting heated STOP and take a time out. This takes a huge amount of self-control and is not always easy to do when you want to have the last word, but doing this allows for things to cool down so you can think through what you want to say. Come back to the conversation after the cooling off period, and speak about your own experience. Avoid using "you always", "you never" statements, and instead use assertive communication with this dialogue:  "I feel [ insert feeling] because [explain how you are being affected] what I really want to happen is [state your desired outcome] because [explain why this is important to you]

  • Check in with yourself to see what your intentions are before you speak. If they are positive and come from a place of caring and love, say it. If they are to hurt, or insult or cause suffering, or bring someone else down-keep it to yourself! When our position is based on sound reasoning and logic we can speak quietly and calmly. If it is based on personal desire, then we will likely find ourselves raising our voice and becoming aggressive in our tone. If our point is well grounded there is no need for aggression or annoyance, and we are able to speak without offending the other person, or escalating the conflict.

  • Stop and reflect on who owns what part of the situation. Ask yourself "what is my part in this?" and own up to it. In any situation, we always own a part of the problem.  It does no good to point fingers and place all the blame on another, because it takes two to tango!

  • Let go of your attachment to a desired outcome. If you have something to say to someone, say it using the tips above, but with the intention to be heard and to say your piece, not to manipulate or control the others response or the outcome. All we can be responsible for is our own behavior, how the other responds is there own responsibility.
As you can see, speaking mindfully, with skill and calmness takes great practice and tremendous strength, and speaking harshly with aggression and hostility is a sign of weakness. It is easy to think that if you are yelling and pushing others around you are being 'tough' but in reality it takes great strength and skill to have control of the mind, and the spoken word. It doesn't happen overnight, but with the right intention and constant mindfulness it becomes easier with practice. Choose your words wisely, and the rest will follow!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Stay healthy this coming flu season- Strengthen your Immune system!

September, and back-to-school brings more potential for illnesses and the spread and exposure of many different viruses along with it. Being indoors, and in confined areas for long periods of time (in classrooms for example) -where our kids pick up germs and bring them home- to us!- leads to an increase in illness over the Fall and Winter months. It may seem as thought there is nothing you can do about this, and some will say that kids need to get sick, and it is how they strengthen there immature immune systems. There is some truth to that, and of course, we can not prevent all illness completely; however we can improve the odds against scumming to the virus in the first place, by keeping our immune system humming and ready to fight the next cold, or flu virus that we are exposed to.

There is the theory that we are constantly exposed to many different viruses on a daily basis, and if our body is in balance- through taking proper care to stay healthy- we are better able to fight off the virus, or at least reduce the severity of the symptoms and duration if we do get sick. If we are out-of- balance, stressed, working too hard or too much, overexercising, under-exercising, eating junk food, and not taking time for relaxation and enjoyment, we become run down and more susceptible to getting sick. If we make it a top priority take good are ourselves, illness becomes a rare occurrence. I have seen this be proved true, by making some changes in our family lifestyle, and am happy to say, we rarely get sick in our house, compared to past years when it seemed like we were passing different viruses around to each other every month.

Here are some tips I believe contribute to a healthy immune system. If any of these suggestions jump out at you, it's worth a try to see if it works! Keep in mind, most of these tips apply to children and teens as well.
Note: These suggestions are based on my personal experience and opinions and should not be taken as medical advice. Talk to your healthcare professional before making any changes to your current health regime.

1) What you put in your body:  Eat a low sugar, low junk (processed) food diet. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. Drink lots of purified water throughout the day, and snack on healthy foods such as raw nuts and seeds. Just minimizing the processed sugar- loaded foods and beverages in your diet can make a huge difference in your health, and immune system function!

Supplements that strengthen immune function: (this is only a small list, there are endless options available,  but I find sticking to a few good ones, taken daily, works best and keeps it simple)

Vitamin C (kids can take chew-able tablets) I highly recommend any of the books listed here if you want to learn how vitamins can help keep you healthy:
Vitamin D3 (I take 5000IU / day, but talk to your physician or a Naturopath about what is right for you)
Moducare (available at health food stores) is a plant sterol that claims to strengthen immune function and reduce allergy symptoms.
Multi-Vitamin Find a good brand without fillers and synthetic ingredients.
Acidophilus- Keeps healthy bacteria in balance in the gut.
Healthy Fats: There are many versions and ways to get these healthy fats. A fish oil supplement is one of the best, but there are lots of plant based products available as well.

2) How much you move your body: Our bodies are meant to be active, not sitting in a chair all day long. Find chunks of time throughout your day to move your body. Go for a walk, stretch, do housework, take the stairs, park 2 blocks away from your destination and walk briskly to and from, take a class. Of course a structured work out routine is encouraged. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days/ week. It all adds up. If you have a busy day, do a higher intensity session for 20 minutes, then fit in a brisk walk for 10-15 minutes after dinner! If you make it a priority, you will always find a way to fit it in.

3) What you put in your mind: Try to stay positive, and be around uplifting, positive people. Being in a constant state of negativity creates an imbalance in the body which weakens the immune system. Think good thoughts, speak positive words and surround yourself with others who do the same. Try to set an example for your children by showing them how to look for the bright side in every situation.

4) How you manage stress and balance your life: Make time every
 day to do something relaxing or enjoyable. Balance your life so that you are not focusing too much on one aspect. Balancing work, family, self-care, time with friends, and time alone is so important to overall health and well-being. Being overwhelmed all the time is no way to live life...make yourself a priority, because likely nobody else is going to!

5) How much you sleep: Aim to get 7-8 hours every night. I am sure you already know this one, but just wanted to include it because it is so important. If you are feeling wired at bedtime and can't settle down, (even with good "sleep hygiene" practices) talk to your doctor about taking Melatonin to help make you sleepy. It is safer than taking a prescribed sleeping pill, and is non-habit forming.

And obviously, proper and regular hand washing is a must! Teach your kids to wash before every meal, and especially right when they get home from school.

Incorporating some or all of these suggestions into your family life will improve your overall well-being that goes far beyond a healthy immune system. As I always say, when the body is in balance, everything flows beautifully and almost effortlessly.

Have an awesome healthy week!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

An effective tool for weight loss: Using "My Fitness Pal" as a tool to get healthy

Counting calories....for many people, just the idea of this creates anxiety! I have mixed views on using this approach, however; the most widely known, and most used 'rule of thumb' used by fitness trainers for weight/fat loss- is that to lose weight and inches, you must burn more calories everyday than you consume.

I always found the idea of counting calories, fat grams, protein etc. to be way too daunting and complicated.    so I rebelled and refused to do it...until I came across My Fitness Pal
It is a great tool for tracking your food intake and exercise..and, the best part? It's totally FREE!

Using this online database, you can log what you eat (most foods are already in there, and if not you can add it to your list yourself) as well as any physical activity (type, minutes) right from your smartphone or computer, and keep an accurate readout of where you are at. You get to decide how you are going to use those calories, and when you enter in your daily exercise, it allows for more calories to be consumed.
Using MFP is a wonderful way to gain awareness of how many calories are being consumed in a day, in ratio to physical activity, and can be a real eye opener! (Or a smack in the face, I'm not gonna lie!).
 Most people underestimate how many calories they consume in a day, and it is a factor in why so many people are overweight and obese. Too many calories in, not enough exercise= fat/weight gain.

Now, here is where I caution you when you are keeping track of your caloric intake. Please, do not obsess over it! Seriously, it can become a type of addiction, or obsession that can lead to disordered eating patterns for some people. If  you use this tool, in conjunction with other healthy living practices it will serve you well. If you go to the extreme side, and fixate on how many calories is in every bite you are putting in your mouth, and have the compulsive need to go run off the meal you just ate...that is when unhealthy behavior has taken over. Also keep in mind, it is the quality of the calories you are putting in your body that are most important. One Mc D's roll through the drive-thru, and you could use up most, if not all of you total calories for the day right there.

Using this tool will help you develop more awareness of what you are putting in your body...and overtime you will start to want to make better choices as you go along, and see progress!

Being someone that knows, from personal experience, about obsessing over food, I know how easy it can be to go 'off the rails' and find yourself consumed with counting calories, exercising, eating the perfect diet 24/7 and experiencing the heavy feeling of guilt when a 'forbidden food'  is eaten. Been there, done that!

 Here are some tidbits for you to keep in mind as you work towards your goals:

1)   Eat for nourishment and energy. Eating for any other reasons, and likely you are using food to numb emotional pain or uncomfortable feelings. See this blog for more on this subject.

2) Tell the voice in the head to take a hike! If you want to have dessert once in awhile, or a little (reasonable) treat every day- go for it, and don't allow the feelings of guilt consume you. Remember, it's what you do MOST OF THE TIME that really counts. My favorite indulgence is a few squares of 70% dark chocolate, and I have that most days of the week.

3) Be kind to yourself. Realize that bringing awareness to your eating habits takes courage. Deep change is very hard work, but remember that you are way ahead of everyone else who isn't even trying! So keep moving forward and you will succeed!

4) Do your best to eat lots of veggies, and one serving of greens everyday- doing this one thing will improve your health immensely, you will feel amazing! Buy organic as much as possible.

5) You can't out-exercise a bad diet..sorry to have to tell you this but if you eat fast food, lots of sugar and processed food, doughnuts, white flour (what I call crap food) on a regular basis, no amount of reasonable exercise is going to get you to your goal. Using the MFP tool, you will quickly see that as you track your daily activity and food choices.

6) Become aware of how certain foods make you feel. If you know downing a sugar loaded pop and doughnuts make you feel awful, sluggish, headache and down in the dumps...remember that feeling when you go for it the next time. Sometimes just connecting to the way foods make us feel, guides us to make better decisions the next time. Focus on eating foods that make you feel good.

I'd love to hear from you about how the MFP tool has helped you if you are already using it, and what you think of it.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Creating a Beautiful Life

Creating a beautiful life requires constant refining and re-defining what you want and no longer want in your life. 

From the "Law of Increase" perspective, we focus on what is going well, what we appreciate about our lives right now, in order to receive more good. However, sometimes we do need to let go of certain relationships, situations, or lifestyle habits that are no longer serving our highest good. Sometimes we think that we must tolerate certain things or people in our lives, because we have no choice. But we always have a choice to improve our lives. Sometimes it is limiting time we spend with people who are negative or that drag us down. Maybe we are on a healthy lifestyle journey, or giving up an addiction and being around others that are not on the same path is not working for us any longer.

Here is an exercise you can do as often as you like, I recommend refining and revising this list regularly.

Sit some place quiet with a pen and paper (or a journal) and think about aspects of your life that have a certain heaviness for you, or that have a sense of dread or anxiety attached to them. This can be people, circumstances, routines etc.

Here are some examples to get the thoughts flowing...some of these may fit for you.

Things I will no longer tolerate in my life:

-Negative people that drag me down
-Thinking negative thoughts
- Others crossing my boundaries
-Being around others that affect me in a negative way
- Abuse of any kind
-Rudeness or disrespect from others
-Unfulfilling relationships
-Being "guilt-ed" into doing things I do not want to do many can you come up with?

After you have completed this 'consciousness cleansing' it is nice to end it on a positive note, reaffirming what we do want in our lives to replace these things that are not working for us any more.

To manifest these desires, focus must  on be placed on positive, uplifting thoughts, and always choose to focus on what you WANT more of in your life, not what you DO NOT want in your life...make sense?

Now, write another list titled "I now choose to"...

-See the beauty all around me
- be grateful and appreciate all the good I have in my life
-Speak my truth and not allow my fear of others reaction to keep from doing so.
-Give my best to all of my meaningful relationships
- Eat healthy foods more often
- Treat my body with respect
-Exercise regulary in ways I enjoy
-Love myself unconditionally
- Look for the bright side in any situation
-Think thoughts that make me feel good

How was that? Enlightening? Did you come up with any new awareness's or revelations? This simple exercise, if done regularly will help you get clear on the direction you are choosing to travel. Life is all about choices, and we have to choose based on what is best for us, and our growth process. Liberating isn't it?


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Freedom from Emotional Eating

NOTE: This article only touches on disordered and emotional eating and the forms it can enter a person's life, and is not to be taken as medical advice, or to replace a doctors advice.

In my Holistic Counselling practice, I help many women work through their emotional/disordered eating, and unhealthy connections to food. There is a misconception in society that to have an "eating disorder" a person either has to either starve themselves to a dangerously low weight (Anorexia), or force themselves to purge (vomit) after a binge eating episode (Bulimia). For some, this is the case, or they go back and forth between the two extremes. In others, disordered eating can look like binge eating episodes (without vomiting) -to the point of feeling sick -every day after work, or after a stressful event, and they then might deprive themselves of the next meal or snack as a form of self punishment.

Another, less commonly known, eating disorder coined "Orthorexia" manifests itself in an obsession with eating only pure, healthy, clean, organic foods to the extreme a person will not eat unless these foods are available. (There are books written on this subject, so please research further if you think this might be posing a problem in your life.)

This leads to my topic for this article..Emotional Eating. When the root cause of disordered eating is targeted, there is always a deep emotional component that must be addresses for true healing to occur. Working with a professional Counsellor is one way to work through these issues, as is reading books and attending support groups. The key to remember, it is your relationship with food that determines disordered eating. Emotional eating (eating when not hungry for various reasons essentially) is a more commonly known problem that I will offer tips on in this article

Tips to Heal and Curb Emotional Eating:

1) Pay attention to your hunger signals and eat regularly throughout the day: 

Eat only when you are truly hungry (your tummy is growling) but do not wait until you are famished to the point you are lightheaded, as this can lead to overeating. A general guideline I recommend is to eat every 3 hours. Do not go longer than that between snacks/meals as it can lead to low blood sugar, and urges to reach for sugar or unhealthy refines carbs.
Have 3 meals, and 3 small power snacks a day. All containing protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. For example: A typical day might look like this:
Breakfast at 7a.m
Power snack at 10am,
Lunch 12:00,
Power snack at 3pm
Dinner at 5 or 6 pm.
 To clarify, I am not suggesting to ignore your hunger. Instead, listen to your body, and if you are truly hungry, have something nutritious to sustain you until your next eating time. The idea is to fuel your body regularly throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar steady. But do not fixate too much on a certain schedule. This is only a suggested guideline.

2) Make a list of Healthful foods you enjoy eating and that make you feel good.

Post this list on your fridge to refer to when you are stressed and off balance, and are unsure of what to eat.

3) Be mindful and tune in
Before you reach for something to eat, tune in and ask yourself first "Am I truly hungry, or just bored, stressed, lonely, sad, anxious? "What am I feeling right now?" If you are truly hungry reach for something from your list, if it is one of the above have a drink of water, make tea, go for a walk, work out, call a friend, read a book, write in a journal, or anything self nurturing that moves you into a healthier direction.

4) Let go of the need to control
Decide today, to let go of the struggle with food. Underlying disordered eating of any kind, is the underlying need for control. There is much more to life than what we eat; however we need food to sustain and fuel our bodies efficiently. Make the best, healthful food choices you can in each moment. If you fall away from this and have treats and less that nutritious food sometimes- IT'S OK! Yes, that's is OK to allow for indulgences. It's what you do most of the time that counts.
Try this formula:

80% of the time eat "Real food" closest to how nature makes it: Fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, eggs, nuts, seeds, lean meats.
10% I know it's not the best but it won't kill me (processed foods for example)
10% Indulgences (a glass of wine with dinner, a small dessert, a few squares of dark chocolate)

If you fall off your goal plan for a day or two, and have too many "indulgences" don't beat yourself up! Tomorrow is a new day, you can begin again. Remember change is a process. Learning new ways to make yourself feel better without food is not easy if you have an emotional connection to eating, but it is doable. You have the power within you to make these changes. Never give up! Surround yourself with supportive people who share similar goals and want to live a healthy lifestyle.

This is one of my favorite quotes on this topic:
"Eat to Live, Don't Live to Eat"

 Here is an interview with Dr. Roger Gould, author of "Shrink Yourself" discussing emotional eating.

Until next time, live life fully and choose happiness!

~Leanne Oaten

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Living Gluten-free

There is a growing movement toward a gluten-free diet, and the reasons for that are either due to a lifestyle choice, or an intolerance or full blown allergy to wheat. A more serious condition is called Celiac disease, where eating gluten causes severe negative health consequences. Here is a link explaining symptoms of this intolerance or allergy:

For me, I have a mostly gluten free diet and have learned to live without bread products for many years, and do not miss it at all. For the rest of my family, I buy the sprouted grain organic breads, or Ezekiel breads that are available in most stores, as the sprouted grain variety is less refined, and more nutritious- if you do not have issues with eating gluten/wheat, this is a better choice than the breads made with refined, overly processed flour and added preservatives.

 Going gluten-free can be a challenging transition for some who are used to eating bread/wheat products everyday, but those who change their diets to exclude it, will tell you it changed their life, and cured many different health afflictions and gastrointestinal problems. Here is a fabulous book on the subject, called : "The Wheat Belly", I highly recommend this book to anyone suspecting wheat and gluten may be causing them health problems :

Here is one of my favorite muffin recipes I have perfected over time- seriously- D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! My kids LOVE them..they are gone in the same day I bake them. And they are healthy!

                                                            Chocolate Banana Muffins

1 Cup Almond flour *
1Cup Bob's Red Mill Gluten free Flour mix (available in most grocery and health food stores) *
1/2 Cup Cocoa powder
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
3 ripe bananas
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup coconut oil

Sift the cocoa powder and gluten free flour mix and baking soda into a large bowl (the flour tends to clump so it's good to get it all smoothed out before adding the wet ingredients) then add the rest of the dry ingredients and stir well to combine.

In a Vitamix or other blender throw in the last 4 ingredients, and blend on LOW so it forms a puree, and is well combined. Add this to the dry bowl and mix well. Divide evenly in a 12 muffin tin pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes. Makes 12 muffins..enjoy!

*If there is a nut allergy in the family, you can replace the almond flour with the gluten free mix. I like almond flour because it adds a bit of protein and reduces the carbohydrate content. Alternatively, you can use all almond flour, however it produces a heavier more dense muffin..but is still really good!

Saturday, July 28, 2012 it really all that bad?

There is a tremendous amount of information circulating about sugar and how harmful it is to our health. It can be difficult to know what to believe, and how to make the healthiest choices when it comes to consuming it in it's many forms. Avoiding any ingredient ending in "ose" is one guideline many health experts suggest we live by. Lactose, fructose, sucrose as well as high fructose corn syrup, honey, brown rice syrup are all forms of sugar, as is alcohol and simple carbohydrates like white flour. They all react the same way in our bodies as sugar, and wreak havoc on our blood sugar levels among other things. I won't write a book on the subject, as there are many who already have, but I will cover the main points I believe to be important.

 Some people believe that because fructose is naturally occurring in fruit, that it is healthy however; from the research I have done, I have come to the conclusion that yes, fructose is in fruit, but when you are consuming it in it's whole form (a whole apple for example) you are getting all of the the healthful benefits with the enzymes, vitamins and fiber, which doesn't cause blood sugar spikes as fructose and other sugars do.

Here is an article on fructose:

Another tip when purchasing anything packaged or processed (which we should avoid as much as possible) READ LABELS!

If any type of sugar is listed in the first three ingredients in a food product- it is high in sugar content. Also look at the grams of sugar per serving. "One teaspoon of granulated white sugar is equal to about 4.2 grams. There are approximately 4-8 grams of sugar in a teaspoon of sugar, depending on its granularity". (
For quite a while I was using Agave nectar in everything because it was said to be a low glycemic healthy option, and was even marketed as safe for diabetics. I have recently learned that this is not the case, and that is is almost pure fructose!

 After spending time researching sweeteners, it appears that Coconut Palm sugar is by far the best choice for a low glycemic, natural works great in all baking, and tastes amazing in coffee. 

"Palm sugar is a nutrient-rich, low-glycemic crystalline sweetener that looks, tastes, dissolves and melts almost exactly like sugar, but it's completely natural and unrefined. It's acquired from the flowers growing high on coconut trees, which are opened to collect their liquid flower nectar. This nectar is then air-dried to form a crystalline sugar that's naturally brown in color and naturally rich in a number of key vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including potassium, zinc, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6."

"It is never refined or bleached like white sugar. So the nutrients it was made with are still there. That's rare for sweeteners, most of which are highly refined. Even stevia is highly refined in its white powder form (real stevia is a green herb)." (

Is sugar all that bad?  I believe, in small amounts, it is not too harmful, but when it is consumed all day long in sugary drinks (pop, sports drinks, juice, iced tea etc), processed foods, alcohol, white flour foods, and dumped in your morning cup of coffee, it becomes a potential health hazard. 
Dr. Mark Hyman, who wrote the book "Ultra Metabolism" says it is fine, even healthy to eat 1-2 oz of 70% dark chocolate everyday. Dark chocolate has beneficial properties naturally occurring, and is low in sugar. So indulge in a square of that when a craving strikes, rather than reaching for a Mars bar. I think the key here is moderation, and doing your best to choose healthier options whenever possible. Too much sugar leads to weight gain, mood swings, low energy and after a time, possibly diabetes, among other chronic health issues. There is endless information available online, and books written about the dangers of consuming too much sugar. It is definitely toxic to our systems in large amounts, if we are not mindful about how much we are consuming on a daily basis, it can lead to many health problems, and even sugar addiction, so it is wise to avoid it as much as possible. 

Yours in health,

Monday, July 9, 2012

The link between Stress and Weight gain

I came across this article from the "Hungry for Change" page on Facebook and wanted to share, as I think he covers some vital key points often missed in all weight loss methods and 'diet' plans. If you have not already seen this documentary I highly recommend you watch it! It will change the way you think about your health and 'dieting' forever. Here are some tips recommended by one of the contributors of the movie, Jon Gabriel:

"“The whole dieting paradigm is flawed” - Jon Gabriel, Hungry For Change 

Jon failed time and again at a number of different diets, he discovered that these diets were pushing his body to its limit and as a result his body was fighting against him. What would seem like a small win would often later lead to more weight gain.

According to Gabriel, our bodies don't understand modern stress. It interprets stress according to ancient programs. Modern stress is interpreted by the primitive brain as immediate physical danger, famine, or susceptibility to the elements, such as frigid temperatures. It responds with measures appropriate to the perceived danger.

If your chronic stress is consistently interpreted as physical danger, your brain will want you to be lean and agile, so you are more prepared to fight or flee. This is why, according to Gabriel, some people cannot gain weight no matter how much they eat. Their brains have a reason to keep them thin.

If your brain interprets stress as potential famine, however, it will demand that you eat while you can. It will also slow your metabolism, enabling you to gain weight as quickly as possible. It needs you to be fat and if you try to be thin, you are setting yourself up for failure.

The key is to identify the underlying, chronic stressors in your life. For some, emotional trauma is the cause. For others, physical causes such as sleep apnea or insomnia are at the root of the problem. For others, a stressful or mismatched relationship may be at the root of the issue. Whatever the cause of the stress that your brain interprets as famine is the key to reprogramming your body to want to be thin.
The source of hope for weight loss success is to identify, and learn to let go of, underlying issues so that you are not continually fighting an uphill emotional battle.

6 Simple Tips For Managing Stress For Weight Loss

1. Breathe deeply and regularly
Doing so can actually decrease the tone of your sympathetic nervous system and increase the tone of your parasympathetic nervous system, which is the portion of your nervous system that promotes relaxation and good digestion.

2. Spend some quiet time every day in prayer, meditation, or a purposeful relaxation session
All three have been scientifically proven to facilitate a relaxation response in your body that can decrease blood pressure, decrease pulse rate, and improve blood circulation. Meditation and relaxation sessions can be greatly enhanced by listening to any number of audio CDs that are designed to facilitate optimal relaxation and mental clarity.

3. Practice visualization
Almost all great athletes practice some form of visualization. As author Wayne Dyer says, "you'll see it when you believe it." Spend some time each day visualizing your ideal body and going about your day in a balanced and emotionally poised manner. You can include visualization in your prayer/meditation/relaxation session.

4. Make sure that you are getting the nutrients that you need for a healthy nervous system
Your nutritional status can make all the difference between being able to handle a certain amount of stress without breaking down versus quickly suffering health problems when faced with stress. While it's important to your overall health that you eat a well balanced and nutrient-dense diet, for emotional health specifically, it is important to ensure adequate intake of B vitamins, Vitamin D, and two long chain omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.

5. Be honest about your feelings
There's a reason why 'know thyself' is a wise proverb/saying in virtually every culture of our world. Striving to know yourself and what you are truly feeling on a daily basis is absolutely essential to preventing unpleasant but genuine emotions from becoming chronic states. Anger, frustration, and anxiousness can all help to fuel personal growth and character development if you are honest with yourself and seek to discover their root causes.

One of the best methods to increase your awareness of what you are truly feeling is journal writing. The rules are simple: no censorship, no possibility of another set of eyes being able to read your thoughts, just pure flow of thoughts from your mind and heart onto a piece of paper or your computer screen. Regular journal writing in this manner can be extremely beneficial to your emotional health.

6. Move your body
It's a well established fact that regular exercise is one of the best habits you can adopt that will help you avoid depression and stay emotionally balanced. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do. What's important is to be active and use your joints and muscles on a regular basis. 

Hope this offers some new insights and ideas!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stress and your health: How to manage your life and reduce your risk of stress-related illness

Please note: The information in this article is for your information only and is based on my own experiences, and extensive research on the subject of stress and Adrenal Exhaustion. It is not to be taken as medical advice. Please see your MD or a Naturopathic Doctor before making any changes to your current health regime.

 It has been said by many health experts that 99% of all doctor visits are due to a stress related illness or ailment.

 Stress elevates Cortisol levels in the body and is the bodies “stress hormone”, and has even been quoted as the “death hormone” by some health experts. It is secreted during times of stress, but when properly balanced with  rest and relaxation and proper nutrition and exercise, does not pose too much of a problem. When stress becomes chronic over a period of time, and is not balanced by proper self care and healthy living practices, we are in a constant state of arousal, and the Adrenals Glands have to work overtime to pump out extra Cortisol to help us deal with the stressors in our life. Overtime this can, and often does, lead to Adrenal Exhaustion.

My Naturopathic doctor once told me, that most people are walking around with some level of Adrenal Fatigue, they are just not aware of it. It is usually managed and covered up with eating sugar and refined carbs, and drinking caffeinated sodas and coffee all day long to cope with the fatigue, and gain a temporary boost in energy, only to crash a few hours later. Unfortunately this viscous cycle takes it's toll on the body, and just makes the problem much worse, as caffeine and sugar further stress the body, when consumed in large amounts, continually throughout the day. The unfortunate thing about this condition, is that people will often go to their doctor repeatedly for help only to be told everything is fine, and in the "normal range" when blood tests are taken. This disorder is not detectable based on the doctors standards for "normal" until it has progressed so far as to need prescription medication- likely for life long treatment.

The good news: If this imbalance is caught early enough (by saliva testing done through a Naturopathic physician) it can be reversed and healed with natural supplements and lifestyle/dietary changes. This information is based on my own personal experience with this condition  and I am sharing all I have learned over the years that has helped in my healing. Because every body is different, the treatment plan may be different for each individual, so I encourage you to do your own research,  read books and take your heath care into your own hands. Work collaboratively with a holistic practitioner and your family physician for the best well- rounded care.

So what is stress anyways? Wayne Dyer states in his book “Being in Balance” .... “there is no such thing as stress, there are just people thinking stressful thoughts.” He also suggests removing the work “stress” from our vocabulary, and instead ask ourselves why we are allowing life to overwhelm us in some way? From this angle, we have power, power to change whatever we can to lessen the pressure and feeling of overwhelm. Instead of seeing “stress” as something outside of yourself that is being done to you and beyond your control, choose to look at it as an inside job, make necessary changes from within and in your environment to improve the situation.

Here are some examples of day to day living that cause a stress response in the body:

~ Thinking stressful thoughts
~ Going nonstop all day from one thing to the next
~Doing too much without replenishing lost reserves
~ Being self critical
~ Work pressures or career dissatisfaction
~ Relationship conflict
~ Chronic, unresolved family issues
~ Financial issues
~Overtraining the body/too much intensive exercise,not taking rest days between workouts OR
 Not getting enough exercise
~Lack of adequate sleep, rest and relaxation
~Poor nutritional habits
~Too much caffeine
~ Too much processed foods
~Too much alcohol (more than 3-5 drinks per week)
~Too much sugar
~Worry, fear, anxiety, depression
~Watching the TV news

Effects of elevated Cortisol over time:

 ~ Adrenal Fatigue or Exhaustion (A.K.A Burnout)
~Weight gain (especially around the abdomen) 
~Elevated cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease
~Inability to lose weight with your best nutrition and exercise efforts
~ Hormone imbalances
~ Blood sugar imbalances
~Decrease in muscle tissue
~ Reduced Thyroid function
~ Lowered immunity
~ worsening of allergy symptoms

The body is all about BALANCE, and wants to remain in balance; however, it cannot do it’s job unless we support it by reducing stress, eating a nutritious (organic, whole foods whenever possible) getting adequate exercise, and proper sleep/ rest and relaxation.

Take this assessment to see if stress is affecting your health, and leading to Adrenal Burnout.

Finding your Balance: Recommendations for stress management

Nutrition Tips:

Eat clean, organic and as close to Mother Nature as possible.
Include healthy fats in the form of cold pressed nut/seed oils or eating raw nuts and seeds, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, legumes, quinoa, brown rice, lean (hormone free) meats, and organic eggs.

Eat 15 grams of protein with your breakfast, and include a protein source for all snacks and meals. This helps to balance blood sugar levels, keep energy levels up and keep your metabolism humming optimally all day long.

Too much packaged, processed food = STRESS in the body, so avoid these as much as possible.

Avoid or reduce caffeine, sugar and white refined flours and grains.

 Drink lots of purified water all day long to stay hydrated.


Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health for so many reasons; however you can get too much of a great thing! The body still sees exercise as stress, and releases small amounts of cortisol during extended workouts.
A workout should leave you feeling ‘used up’ and like you worked hard, but should also leave you feeling invigorated soon after. If you are feeling exhausted after your workout, or it leaves you feeling drained and depleted for the rest of the day- you may be over doing it. My suggestion is to limit vigorous workouts to no more than 60 minutes at a time. If you are sick, or feeling unwell or run down, skip the intensive workout, or do lower intensity exercise on those days (a light jog, walk, Yoga or Pilates) rather than further stressing the body.

Always take a rest day  depending on the workout intensity) between strength training days , to allow the body adequate recovery time.

Prioritise your ZZZ’s, and get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Skip the late night TV and computer work, and head to bed by 10pm, at the latest whenever possible. Do relaxing activities a few hours before bed. Dim the lighting. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon, as this can have an affect on getting good nights sleep. Have a cup of chamomile tea to help relax you into dreamland.

Ways to reduce Stress Response:

~Change the way you look at things
~Choose to think positive thoughts
~ Develop an attitude of Gratitude- be Grateful as much as possible!
~ Look on the bright side of every situation
~ Choose to be happy
~Heal emotionally from past experiences by working with a therapist you trust
~Live in the moment- practice Mindful living
~ Meditate and allow time for stillness and quiet reflection daily
~ Have a good cry when needed (tears cleanse the soul!)
~Listen to relaxing music
~ Go for a brisk walk ~aim get your physical activity in at least 4 days/ week
~ Write in a journal
~Take a hot bath with candles, Epsom salts and a few drops of Lavender oil
~Do Yoga and stretching every day
~ See the beauty in ordinary things
~Spend time with positive people
~ Hug someone
~ Laugh often
~ Love fully
~ Breathe deeply

Love your life! Life is too short to be anything but happy. Happiness is a choice.We can choose to see the good in life, even during times of difficulty. When we are happy and thinking positive thoughts, our body is not in a state of stress. When we choose to live a balanced life, everything changes all around us, life becomes a little sweeter, almost like magic.

If you need some guidance and support with healing this condition, and managing stress, I can help get you on the right track. Through specific nutrition, lifestyle and stress management strategies you can heal and feel good again!

Resources I highly recommend on this subject:

“Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome” by Dr. Wilson
Here is a link to his site, book, and Adrenal Fatigue information. This is one of the most in depth books written on this subject I have come across.

Book: “Being in Balance” by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Live Well, Live Happy, Live Healthy.
 I wish you all the best on your journey!


Please visit my website:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Clearing Negative Emotions

 Clients often ask me- "how do I clear my negative thoughts and feelings"?

It is so common for people to swallow, ignore or deny how they are feeling in an attempt to make the unwanted feeling go away; however when we do this, we only make matters worse. A feeling or emotion arises for a reason, and must be honored and acknowledged. You will find it will dissipate faster if you practice this one small thing. Now, that does not mean wallow in the negativity all day long, it means it needs to be accepted as reality..this is how you are feeling right now,  in this moment- but it does not mean there is nothing you can do about it! Also realize, feelings and emotions are transient and impermanent. They often come and go, and it is OK to feel negative emotions sometimes, or to have a bad day- it is a normal side effect of being human!

 As you go about your day today....whenever an unwanted feeling or emotion arises, instead of denying it, or being mad at it- just acknowledge it, and thank 'it' for showing you something is out of balance. Strive to do something that brings you a sense of joy or peace as quickly as possible. The goal is to do whatever will raise you to a higher vibrational level as soon as possible, to avoid a downward spiral of events in your day. When we feel good we attract more good, when we feel negatively we tend to attract more negative people, and circumstances into our experience. When you find yourself in an unwanted state of mind, always ask..."What can I do right now to make myself feel better, what do I need most in this moment?"

Here are some suggestions:

Choose more positive thoughts about the situation- ask yourself, how can I look at this differently?
Is there someone that has upset or hurt you with their actions that you need to have a difficult conversation with?
Go for a walk in the sunshine or in nature
Go for a run
Lift some weights
Strike a pose (do some Yoga)
Take a hot bath or shower
Take a nap
Breathe deeply!
Have a glass of water or tea
Do a five minute meditation
Get your hair done
Call a supportive (positive!) friend
Go to the Mall and buy something new to wear
Read something inspirational
Watch a funny movie
The list is endless... it is whatever fills YOU up that you need to do MORE of!

Have a fabulous day everyone!

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Balanced Approach to Nutrition

When I began thinking about the content I would cover in writing about such a complex, and sometimes confusing subject- I was having trouble with finding a focus point from which to write from. I can honestly say I have read hundreds, yes hundreds, of books over the years on Health/Wellness & Nutrtion, and the latest ‘this is how you should eat to live forever, not have wrinkles, lose body fat, have more energy and fix your life ‘fad’ diet books’. These books ALWAYS have a list so long, of the foods you shouldn't eat; you can be left wondering what you CAN actually eat, besides lettuce and raw almonds. I have been there so many times- making myself (and probably everyone around me!) crazy with my latest restrictive ‘diet’ plan. I have tried so many variations, and combinations- but always found myself feeling deprived, hungry, cranky and very frustrated.

One thing I always turned away from though, where plans that included eating large amounts of meats or dairy- because I rarely eat animal products (unless it is organic chicken on occasion or small amounts of organic dairy) I could not see myself eating 5 steaks in a day, and never having even a grain of brown rice or a baked potato- to me THAT is extreme and possibly even harmful in the long term.

 I also realize now that, in looking for the answers outside of myself, I gave up trusting my body to tell me, what is good for me, and what is not, because a book told me what was “good” and what was “bad” for me. The authors of these books, the ‘experts’ are just like us, with there own perceptions, experiences, beliefs and attitudes-and I believe we should always take what we read with a grain of salt. Try on what feels right, leave what doesn't. (and that includes this article!) 

So, I have resolved to stop reading all extreme, and ‘fad’ diet books, because in the end, they are all the same- you can’t sustain and carry out these plans for the long term! Not if you want to live a real life, without having to worry about what your next meal is going to be every day. It starts to become like the saying: “Eat to Live, don’t Live to Eat” and for some, it can actually take over their lives, and become a form of disordered eating.

The focus of this article is to compile, and summarize my revelations and experiences I have had, and lessons I have learned on this journey so far, about what a healthy, balanced approach to Nutrition really is (for me). I like to avoid the word diet all together, because in my opinion if we can focus on the nutritional value of what we put into our bodies, it makes eating well a whole lot simpler.
Please keep in mind, these are just my experiences and opinions, we all have our own truths and beliefs. My only hope, is that maybe just one thing I write, might help you in some small way, to find what Balanced Nutrition means to you.

1)      If it is Extreme or isn’t sustainable, it’s a waste of time (and may even be harmful): Most of the ‘fad’ diets ( South Beach, Atkins, Lemon juice/Maple syrup/cayenne drink diets, No carb diets, and so on) are so restrictive and unbalanced and missing essential nutrients, that over time our bodies are not getting adequate nutrition, and could even be causing damage to our bodies. The attraction and pull toward these books and advertisements, is all of the claims the ‘experts’ make.. “loose 10 pounds in 2 days!” kind of statements and people are all over that, of course (who wouldn't want that?). Often the weight does initially drop off, but the problem lies in the inability to sustain the weight loss over the long term. It’s becoming common knowledge that diets don’t work, and it is because after being on a restrictive plan for however long, once you come off of it and get back into old eating habits and patterns, the weight comes back with a vengeance, often packing a few extra pounds along with it.

2)      Strive for Life -long Nutritional Habits: Eat as many whole foods and unprocessed junk foods as possible. For an in-depth and informative documentary on this subject, I highly recommend 2 movies “Foodmatters” and “Hungry for Change”- amazing eye opening programs on the subject of nutrition/health. They say to strive for 50% raw at all meals. I like this guideline; it is simple and a good one to follow- because it is important to eat lots of raw foods everyday.

3)       Avoid Sugar : white rice/pasta, refined flours, refined sugars, white potatoes etc) most of the time: These simple carbohydrates and sugars cause a dramatic spike in your blood sugar. This may give you energy in the short term, but when it wears off, blood sugar plummets leaving you feeling lethargic, and tired, and reaching for another sweet sugary snack or refined carbohydrate, only to crash again in a few hours. If you continue on this cycle all day long- you will have irregular blood sugar levels, which, over time, can lead to a host of health related problems, diabetes, weight gain, and mood instability.

4)      Go Organic wherever possible: This needs little explanation. Pesticides are toxic to our bodies and the environment. Enough said on that!

5)      Drink more purified water: Having a water bottle or glass of water near you at all times is a great way to remind you to drink! Aim for 6-8 glasses of purified water a day. Ditch the pop, iced teas and sugary energy drinks.

6)      Eat healthy fats/Use healthy oils:   If you are up on the latest health news, you have probably heard that coconut oil is one of the best oils you can use. It has so many health benefits; it is worth researching to decide if it is right for you. I use it for all of my cooking and baking. I also use cold pressed Olive, flax, avocado, and sesame oils in my homemade dressings. Other options are nut/seed oils that are cold pressed, as well as fish oils (make sure they are certified heavy metal free!) always read the labels of your fish oil to ensure they have been tested to be free of mercury etc.  Pretty much any other oil should be avoided in my opinion- especially hydrogenated oils!

7)      Eat Protein throughout the day: Start your day right by eating a good breakfast including about 15 grams of protein. Also include a serving for al other meals and snacks. Good sources include: organic eggs, protein shakes- I like Vega One, or will use a Organic Hemp powder to switch things up (read labels and make sure there are no artificial sweeteners or preservatives!), nut butters, quinoa, lentils, beans, nuts and seeds, lean meats, wild salmon, organic dairy products (if you are not sensitive or allergic). Eating protein throughout the day keeps blood sugar steady and helps keep your appetite under control.

8)       It’s what you do MOST of the time that counts:  To maintain balance in my life, this is one thing I always try to remember. I heard this once somewhere and it stuck with me. If you indulge in that glass or two of wine, and have dessert, or order a pizza once in a while- it’s all good!

 And above all, enjoy life, indulge, have treats- but then get back on track the next day, and begin again. We can not be perfect, but we can do our best to put nutritious foods into out bodies MOST of the time- and as a result enjoy good health, fewer illnesses, healthy body weight, and reduce or illuminate our need for pharmaceutical drugs and the doctors who prescribe them. Treat your body well, and honor it by taking good care of it.Trust your body to tell you what is healthy for you, and what is not. It will tell you if you will just stop and listen. How do you feel when you eat sugar? How do you feel when you eat fast food? How do you feel when you eat salads, and lentils, and fruits and vegetables? Be more mindful of how you feel after eating certain foods, and your body will guide you naturally to that which is most healthy for you.
 In the end, your health is everything! If you lose your health, you loose a lot of what truly matters in life. Take care of your body and it will take care of what it needs to to keep you happy and well.

If you would like to book a Wellness Coaching session with me, and get some guidance and help with your Nutrition and Wellness goals please feel free to contact me. My website is :

Cheers to your health and vitality!