Monday, July 6, 2015

What you need to stop doing for greater health and happiness

Do you find yourself constantly searching outside of yourself for answers about what is right for you?

Are you constantly asking friends, or whoever will listen for advice about what you should do?
Do you find yourself searching for books that hold the answers to your questions?
Do you trust what others say more than you trust yourself?

I know I was once that person, I thought everyone else knew better than I did about what I needed. And that everyone else held the answers! I would read countless books about the best way to achieve lasting health and happiness, and would feel guilty over not meditating enough or in the 'right' ways, not eating enough greens, not exercising hard enough and so on- because 'they' the authorities on health and wellness said that I had to do these things to be healthy and peaceful.
The truth is, I can't stand sitting cross legged in meditation, I hate going to the gym, and some days I can't stand the thought of kale! But I love walking or running with my dogs out in nature, do yoga when I feel the craving to stretch and release tension,  and I love sitting on my favorite rock in the woods by my home, and soaking up the beauty of the sky and trees all around me. I also love to sit in silence on my deck, listening to the birds and contemplate my day every morning. I love silence and solitude, but I can't make myself love formal meditation. And I am now OK with that!
What is the theme here? Do more of what you love and stop doing those things that you dread or don't enjoy! Life is too long to spend your days doing things you hate doing! Life is not meant to be a struggle, how can you be more easy about your life, and flow with your natural body wisdom and intuition?

Here's the deal:

Only YOU hold the answers about 
what is truly correct for you!

It is good to get support and guidance when feeling stuck or unable to move past something, or to move to the next level in your healing journey, but most times getting quiet and going within to find the answers you seek is all that is needed.

Trust yourself- only you know 
what is best for you!

It all comes down to not trusting ourselves enough to know the answers, and not being connected to our higher self enough to hear the answers! We are our own best guru and we know the answers that we are looking for most times. Here is what I recommend you start doing:

1) Take time every single day to tune into your higher self, connect with your soul's wisdom. If meditation is what does it for you, great do that. If sitting in formal meditation feels like going to the dentist every morning (like it started to feel for me) then you are not likely to keep doing it. So find a way to connect within however feels correct to you. Get into nature, find a rock, or a grassy field and ask the Universe for guidance. Listen to your little voice within, you will be amazed at what it has to tell you when you are listening.

2) Take only what feels right to you. When reading books or receiving guidance or advice from another person, take only what feels right and fits for you at this time, and discard the rest. You can't do it all! I remember one day feeling like I was losing my marbles because all the books and advice I was feeding my mind with were all conflicting one another! I had no idea what to listen to! Finally I got that I had to take in what felt right, and listen to my higher self about what I needed and let go of the rest. Life got so much simpler after this epiphany.

3) Learn to trust yourself. When you are faced with a situation you are struggling with, seek advice from a few trusted sources, only those people that you know have your highest good in mind. But even after gathering other perspectives, or reading books, go back to point #1 to receive the answers that feel right for you. In the end, only you know what is best for you. You are the authority over your own life.

As a holistic counsellor, my intention and goal is to help you learn how to build a deep relationship with yourself so that YOU become your own personal guru. I help people harness their personal power so they feel empowered to make the changes that will project them forward in their lives
If you are ready to do what it takes to change your life and health for the better, and would like to book a session with me to ignite your inner spirit and begin making BIG changes in your life, connect with me today!

In health and happiness,
Leanne Oaten R.P.Cc
Holistic Counsellor, Wellness Coach