Monday, November 19, 2012

Letting go~ and moving into the present moment

In pondering what to write about today, I came across this photo, which inspired this blog post.

Often when we are feeling weighed down by life, and feel stuck and unable to move forward, it means we need to assess areas that may need 'clearing', in order to move in to the present moment. We need to envision where we want to be, by visualizing in detail what we want in our lives, setting the intention and letting go, trusting and allowing the Universe to take care of the details. Have you ever allowed yourself to truly ponder the thought: What do I truly want for myself and my life?

I am asked often in my counselling practice, by clients, how to know what it is that is bringing them down, keeping them stuck, or preventing them from moving forward.Unfortunately, there is not a one line answer to this question, as connecting to these awareness-es looks different for everybody. Only YOU know what [or whom] is holding you back, weighing you down, draining your energy, making you sick, depressed or anxious.

Often times, this 'heaviness' is linked to the people in our lives. These can be family members, friends, co-workers, your spouse...anyone you come in to contact with that drains your positive energy, brings you down, cuts you down, complains, is un-supportive, makes you feel badly about yourself, throws insults, and so on. It is important to connect with your intuition here, your gut instinct and inner voice- and get clear about who these 'heavy' people are. Ask yourself these questions when you consider the people you are close with, or spend time with currently on a regular basis.
 Do you feel worse, or better after having spent time with this person? Does this person make you feel at ease, or on edge? Comfortable or on guard? What is their energy like? Heavy and toxic, or vibrant, positive and upbeat?

Once we become clearer about who these individuals are that suck the life out of us, then we can decide whether to cut them out of our life entirely, or just limit the amount of time spent around them. Sometimes, it means saying goodbye to relationships that no longer serve our Highest good.
It's also important to note that seeking out, and increasing time spent with people that choose to look at the bright side, are encouraging, supportive and a joy to be around is only going to improve your outlook in life, because we tend to take on the energies, viewpoints and thinking patterns of the company we keep! Something to be aware of for sure.

I must touch on this, although this could be a whole blog in itself. When looking at our current life circumstances, sometimes it is the way we are thinking and perceiving the situation that keeps things from moving forward. Our negative thinking patterns can most definitely weigh us down! If you have ever seen somebody (or know of somebody) that always looks unhappy, you can be almost sure they are not thinking good thoughts! They look heavy, like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, their energy is so heavy you can feel it. Thinking good thought makes you look good, and feel good! A positive mood shift is just one new thought away! When you think good thoughts, you radiate good vibes and attract more positive people and circumstances to you effortlessly.

Another area we can get bogged down with is unhealed pain from the past. This can be from childhood, adolescent years, all the way up to where we are at this point. Have you worked through the tough stuff by acknowledging it, working through it accepting it and letting it go? Have you forgiven those that have wronged you, hurt you, betrayed you, left you, violated you, taken advantage of you or abused you?
If the answer to this is no, then perhaps it is time to begin dealing with the unfinished business of the past, to fully move in to the present and look to the future. Once this 'stuff' has be processed and cleared, life is so much more beautiful and effortless!

Some ways to work through and release the weight of your past are: Talking to a qualified professional counsellor you trust- and are comfortable with, joining a support group that suits where you are in your life, talking to a few select friends you trust, journal-ling,  having a difficult conversion (s) with those that have hurt you, if it is possible, letter writing therapy, crying when you need to cry and acknowledging that you have the right to feel how you feel about whatever it is that has affected you so deeply.

 Simplified, the stages to healing are Acknowledgment (awareness), Processes-sing (working through) and  Acceptance of what happened, and  moving forward with the knowing that it all occurred to get you to where you are today, and has shaped the person you have become. The great news is that we can always CHOOSE to move into the present and not allow the past to define us today. Each day is a chance of renewal, change, and new choices. Choose to look at every day as a new beginning to make positive changes in your life. Seek out what makes your heart sing, and your soul fly. Choose to drop that which weighs you down and holds you back from living to your highest potential.
