Monday, September 23, 2013

Making room for the new: 4 steps to energy clearing your home

We all know how good it feels to have our house cleaned top to bottom, and all visible dust and clutter removed from our space. And just as keeping our homes clean and clear of visible clutter is essential for the well being of all who live there, so to is clearing the energetic clutter, stagnation and negative, stuck energies that reside where we can not see. An argument with your spouse, family conflict, an illness or virus, or other stressful events carry energy that sticks around long after the event or illness does.

After I do a space clearing in my home, I always feel a remarkable positive shift in energy, and it feels amazing. I like to do a session at the change of the seasons, or after someone in our home has been ill, or any other stressful time that life throws our way. It feels so good to put attention and intention to renewing the energy in my home.

Having 3 children in the home, I have to admit, the clutter piles come out of nowhere, and it can seem as if the kids have taken over the entire house. So this is a constant work in progress. A continual purging of unwanted, and unused household stuff. Making time for this clearing of space and following up with an energy clearing session is such a powerful practice, it is worth the time and effort spent, trust me.

 I encourage you to do more reading, and research on the topic, as there is endless information on space clearing, and energy clearing out there. I will share with you the procedure I use to energy clear my home, but please make your ceremony and clearing session your own. Whatever feels right for you is perfect. There is no right and wrong way, and the most important thing is to put you full intention behind what you are doing.

 Get clear on what  you are working to accomplish.

Is it to allow more love to flow through and enter your home? To clear the air after family members have been sick? A need to move stagnant energy blocking you from moving forward? Marking a new beginning? To heal any conflicts happening within the home? Remember: Where intention goes, energy flows!

                                             A full moons is a perfect time to do a clearing.

To get you started here is a quick guide to help you :)

What you will need:
~A few hours of uninterrupted time (depending on the size of your home)
~Incense or sage smudge stick
~several candles
~Energy clearing music, or meditation music that is meaningful to you.
~Pure essential oils (cinnamon is my favorite) you can use lemon, lavender, or peppermint- or whatever oils appeal to you. Mix in a spray bottle with water. Or alternatively, you could purchase an aromatherapy spray blend that you love, just be sure it is pure essential oils, not synthetic chemical fragrance! :)

Step 1: Prepare your space. Clean, clean clean! Remove all clutter, dust all surfaces, vacuum, mop floors. This is a time to do a deep, thorough cleaning of your home, de-clutterclosets, get rid of stuff you do not want or need (or pay someone else to come in and do it, which is even better!)

Step 2: Play your music of choice as you go about your clearing process. Open all windows and doors (if possible) to allow for a fresh flow of air to circulate. Doing a clearing on a windy day is especially affective!

Step 3: Light a candle in the room you are working in. Start in whichever room you feel drawn to first, and begin with a prayer, meditation or say your intention out loud. For example "Spirit, Divine, The powers that be, God (whichever resonates with you) please enter in this room, and fill it with the highest possible energy, and light. Bring love, peace, happiness, and vibrant health to all who dwell in this space. Let in the love and light. And so it is"

Step 4: Light your incense or sage, and start at the farthest corner of the room, going counter clockwise with the incense, clear the corners from top to bottom with the smoke, go around the entire room, taking extra care in the corners, behind furniture, and in closets as this is where energy becomes stagnant, and stuck.  Visualize white pure, clean, healing energy and light filling the room, and carry on with this burning phase until it feels complete to you. Spray your essential oil mist throughout the room before you leave. Leave the candle lit if you wish as you move about the house (as long is it is in a safe location.)

 Enjoy the new higher level of positive energy in your home, notice how your home feels different when you are done. Have fun with this! Get creative and make it your own ritual, however it is most meaningful to you.

With love and light,
Registered Professional Counsellor (R.P.C.c)
Wellness Leader, writer, energy healer, lifestyle coach

For your own personal, in home energy clearing session, contact me for more information!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Parenting, and letting go (even a little!) with love

As I said goodbye to my kids this morning, my daughters into grade 2 & 3, and my eldest heading into grade 11, I was reminded how quickly time seems to fly by, the older they get. Back to school time is always a little bittersweet for most parents, a mix of emotions as our children head off into a new school year, some sadness that the summer with them is over, yet relief to be getting back into a more predictable routine.
Being a full-time, stay-at- home Mom during my daughter's younger years, there were some days I was just plain exhausted, and thought the day would never end, and even at times, I wished away the time, thinking how nice it would be to have my freedom once they were in school. While I did my best to enjoy my time with them, and do not regret choosing them over a career, it was often not an easy job at all.
"The days are long, and the years are short"
(a wise friend once said...)
The realization hit me one day, that once they started school, they'd be amongst teachers and their peers, more than they'd be with me, and I remember feeling upset by this awareness. The belief that nobody could take care of them the way that I do made me panic a little, and I still have moments these fears creep back in. I was a very fearful, anxious parent when my kids were really young. I tried to control everything from how much they washed their hands, to how much sugar they ate, and never let them do anything that could possibly be dangerous. While I am still mindful of all of these things, I have loosened up and let go in many areas. I have come a long way! Another realization I have had:
 We only have a short window of time to have full influence over what our children do, what kids they play with, what they eat, or how they treated. Once they venture off into the school years, all we can do is hope that all that we instilled in them, will carry them through when they are not with us.
As our children grow, we go from worrying about  when to feed them solid food, to kids being mean or hurting their feelings, or making fun of their backpack, to worrying about them hanging with the wrong crowd, getting into trouble with drugs, alcohol, smoking, or having their hearts broken. Then comes letting them loose behind the wheel of a car (I am not ready to think about that part yet!)
So, what have I learned about letting go with love, with my 15 years of parenting experience?
For starters, we must learn to parent from LOVE rather than FEAR. I have realized that a lot of things I have done or not done as a parent, have been influenced by my fears. Fear of them getting hurt or injured, getting sick, or being emotionally damaged in some way. I look back on all the raw spots of my childhood and formative years, and want to protect my children from having to learn some painful life lessons the hard way, as we all have.
 I now know that I can only do what LOVE would have me do, and that is to love them fiercely and unconditionally. 
We must also strive to protect them, teach them (through our words, as well as our actions), be their safe place when the world lets them down or becomes too  much, and guide them as far as we can, within our power, TRUST and let the rest go.
This is the hardest job about being a parent. We are raising little human beings, to prepare them for the big world. We can not control what happens to them when they are not with us, or shelter them from experiencing pain and suffering. This is their journey to live out, we can influence the journey to some extent, but as any parent of a teen knows it is virtually impossible to control what they do when they are not with us. As it has been said...
 Trying to control a teenager is like
trying to nail Jello to a wall.
(This about sums it up!)
My son often says I worry too much, and I respond, "just wait until you have your own kids, and you will understand", and he replies "I know I will never worry like you Mom." And I smile, remembering how many times I had this same conversation with my Dad growing up, and sometimes, I find myself sounding exactly like him (when I too, swore I would never worry like him when I had kids.)
As you head into the new school year (or even if your kids are not yet in school), I hope that some of this has helped someone out there, learn to let go (even a little) with love.
Until next time, live well, and make everyday awesome!
~Leanne R.P.Cc
Wellness Leader 
P: 250-319-3630