Thursday, June 21, 2012

Clearing Negative Emotions

 Clients often ask me- "how do I clear my negative thoughts and feelings"?

It is so common for people to swallow, ignore or deny how they are feeling in an attempt to make the unwanted feeling go away; however when we do this, we only make matters worse. A feeling or emotion arises for a reason, and must be honored and acknowledged. You will find it will dissipate faster if you practice this one small thing. Now, that does not mean wallow in the negativity all day long, it means it needs to be accepted as reality..this is how you are feeling right now,  in this moment- but it does not mean there is nothing you can do about it! Also realize, feelings and emotions are transient and impermanent. They often come and go, and it is OK to feel negative emotions sometimes, or to have a bad day- it is a normal side effect of being human!

 As you go about your day today....whenever an unwanted feeling or emotion arises, instead of denying it, or being mad at it- just acknowledge it, and thank 'it' for showing you something is out of balance. Strive to do something that brings you a sense of joy or peace as quickly as possible. The goal is to do whatever will raise you to a higher vibrational level as soon as possible, to avoid a downward spiral of events in your day. When we feel good we attract more good, when we feel negatively we tend to attract more negative people, and circumstances into our experience. When you find yourself in an unwanted state of mind, always ask..."What can I do right now to make myself feel better, what do I need most in this moment?"

Here are some suggestions:

Choose more positive thoughts about the situation- ask yourself, how can I look at this differently?
Is there someone that has upset or hurt you with their actions that you need to have a difficult conversation with?
Go for a walk in the sunshine or in nature
Go for a run
Lift some weights
Strike a pose (do some Yoga)
Take a hot bath or shower
Take a nap
Breathe deeply!
Have a glass of water or tea
Do a five minute meditation
Get your hair done
Call a supportive (positive!) friend
Go to the Mall and buy something new to wear
Read something inspirational
Watch a funny movie
The list is endless... it is whatever fills YOU up that you need to do MORE of!

Have a fabulous day everyone!

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