Monday, August 24, 2015

How your Beliefs are Keeping you Stuck, Sick and Depressed (and what to do about it)

Are you feeling stuck in the same old patterns, and same old life story that never seems to change or go anywhere near the direction you say you want to go?

Personal growth, healing and transformation requires deep inner work, reflection, and a strong desire and determination to have a different life experience. 

Making excuses, and staying stuck in old limiting belief 
patterns will surely lead to nowhere positive. 

In order to change any area of our lives, we have to examine our beliefs very closely. If we want more money, more prosperity, better health, more loyal friendships, a successful career, for example, we must change our beliefs about the story we are telling ourselves about [insert issue here].

Is your health suffering because you believe that vital health is not possible for you? Do you believe that something "runs in your family" and therefor you are destined to experience that same illness?

Do you believe that you have to work hard, and stay in a job you hate because you will not make money doing anything else that you might love to do more?

 I was raised in a household where money was a constant struggle, and my Dad was always saying things like "we can't afford it",  " I don't have it to give you", "It's a tough world out there" and so on. Living around this kind of lack mentality and negative talk around money, I learned that in life, there is never enough. Carrying this deeply embedded belief around has had a detrimental effect on my relationship with money throughout my life. It is only now that I am really looking deeply into what I truly believe about abundance, money and creating wealth.

As I examined my deep rooted beliefs about money I discovered they were: "you have to work hard to make money", "it is a struggle to survive", "I can't have the nice things", "I will never get ahead", "I will always have to scrape by", "Money goes out faster than I can make it". Wow, right? How could I possibly have a different experience while carrying around these beliefs that contradict what it is that I am telling the Universe that I want!

I was working on the positive thinking, and practicing affirmations like "money flows to me effortlessly" and "what I need will always be provided" however the missing link was that deep down I truly didn't believe this was true! I was seeing the evidence of my beliefs in the circumstances of my finances. It is now that things are starting to turn around, and I know it is because I am changing my inner programming and believe I can have wealth, abundance and more than just enough  to survive.

What you believe you will achieve whether you want it or not, so it is essential to work on the deep rooted inner-beliefs in order to create real and lasting change.

This is just an example of how our inner beliefs keep us stuck in negative patterns that never seem to improve no matter what we do. I encourage you to try this exercise to uncover your beliefs around all areas of your life. Here is what you do:

Freedom through Uncovering Limiting Beliefs Process:

Find somewhere quiet to go within with a pen and paper. One sheet per area of your life.
Family, Relationships, Love, Money, Health, success, work, friendships, parenting, people in general. Add any other categories you would like to explore, these are just ideas to get you started. 

Now for each category ask yourself : What do I believe about [insert] ?
Do not judge or second guess what comes up, just write it down. Trust your intuition to bring forward what you need to know. Just write them, all of them, every single thought or message you receive while reflecting on each area.

Once you have them all filled out and feel like it is complete, the next level of work is to figure out where you learned this belief. Usually it is rooted in our formative years, the messages we received and the circumstances we lived in.

The next step then, is to start using positive affirmations that feel correct for you. The only way positive affirmations work is if you truly resonate with the message and it is your hearts true desire.

It is like de-cluttering a closet. You have to clear it all out, examine the contents and decide if you want to keep or discard what you find, and then make room for the new to flow in. 

If you would like to learn more about positive affirmations, what they are and how to use them, Louise L. Hay is the queen of this arena. I recommend any and all of her books if you want to change your reality by changing your beliefs and thought patterns. Find some affirmations that feel inspiring and uplifting to you that are the opposite of what you have been believing in each area. I recommend only working with 1-2 areas at a time. Pick the 2 that are the most bothersome for you right now, and work on those. Then work your way down the list.

This is not easy work, but I promise you it will be worth it!

If you would like some support and guidance, you can book a breakthrough session with me and we can get to work breaking through your old, worn out and expired beliefs that are keeping you stuck and miserable!

Remember, what you believe you can achieve, it all starts within. 

Leanne Oaten
Registered Holistic Counsellor R.P.C

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