Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Soul Medicine~ Healing from the inside out

Soul~ Medicine

Many people believe that when they have an illness, disease or other chronic health issues, that it is a purely physical condition, or breakdown within the body. Others believe it is their 'right of passage' because certain diseases run in their family, so therefore, they believe it is not within their power to prevent or heal these hereditary conditions. If  you are skeptical that the mind, emotions, and spirit are connected to our physical health, I hope to open your mind, even just a little, to the possibility that your mind can either make you sick, or heal you.
 I recently read the book that many people in my profession of holistic wellness are talking about, Mind Over Medicine" By Lissa Rankin. This book has completely convinced me that health has a lot more to do with our happiness, emotional/mental well-being, connection to others, healthy relationships and friendships, love, self-care, community, and spiritual health, than just eating a perfect diet and exercising.
While exercise and a nutritious, whole food diet is an essential component to health, it is not the whole picture!
Here I thought I had all the answers, I was eating what I thought was the perfect diet, exercising, taking my vitamins, green juicing, but still couldn't completely heal some of my own chronic health issues no matter how clean my diet was. I felt like I did everything 'right' but still, was not healing. Doctors never had any answers for me, and testing always confirmed that everything was in 'normal range'. With the help of my Naturopath, I have been able to make improvements in many areas, but had limited results no matter what I did.

If you are searching for the answers, believing that that you just need find that magic pill, supplement, or perfect diet plan to feel better, and find that none of these methods work, it may be time to consider that your emotions and inner self need some healing and attention as well. 

If you are already on a long list of prescription or over the counter medications to cope with your symptoms, and are not exploring healing on a holistic level, addressing the mental, emotional, physical, & Spiritual aspects of your life,  be aware that you may not get to the root cause of your illness, because likely you are just masking the symptoms, and your symptoms may begin to pop up in another condition within the body. Lissa Rankin says that we must learn to listen to our bodies whispers, before they become screams. Taking medications for chronic health issues, is a way we can ignore what is going on within, and carry on with our lives, while avoiding looking inward to find the root cause. Fore example;  if you are sick all the time, burned out, have blood sugar imbalances, high cholesterol, unhealthy weight to lose, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue, asthma, allergies, eczema and so on, these are the body's whispers, telling you to take notice that something is not right. If only we would stop long enough to tune in to these messages, and trust our body's natural wisdom.
If you are living with a chronic health issue or disease, or experience bothersome symptoms that will not go away with your best efforts to treat them, it may be time to go purchase Lissa Rankin's book, reasearc the Mind/Body connection, and take your power back. Believe you can heal, believe you deserve to have vibrant health and take ownership and responsibility for your health and wellness.
While medications, doctors, surgeons all have their place in our health care, we also have a responsibility to be informed and be proactive in prevention and healing of our whole selves. Doctors do save lives, and where would we be without them? I am not saying to abandon you physicians recomendations, but ask that you ponder what else you can do to bring health and healing to your body, mind, and soul.

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