Friday, July 5, 2013

Is your health at risk? The #1 indicator that increases your risk for disease

The one calculation that could save your life, and help you prevent disease.

Your waist to hip ratio (WHR) is a really accurate indicator that says a lot about your current health, and  risk for disease. Carrying most of your weight and fat around your abdomen (abdominal obesity), is the most dangerous area to hold excess fat - putting your risk of developing  heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and even cancer.

The best way to monitor your progress when trying to lose excess body fat is to get familiar     with your WHR. Reducing your WHR is essential for disease prevention, and here's how you get started:

You will need:
-A flexible measuring tape
 -A notebook
- Someone to help you measure accurately if you are having difficulty

Step 1: Wrap measuring tape around waist (as shown in picture) above your belly button
Pull tape flat against skin, but not too tight as to indent the skin. Write this measurement in your note book.

Step 2: Measure widest part of hip are (as shown) and also write this measurement in your note book.

Step 3: Divide waist measurement, by your hip number. The result is your WHR. Compare this number with the chart above to see where you are at.

Women with less than 0.8 WHR, and for men 0.9 is considered in the safe zone. A WHR of more than 1.0 for either gender is considered "high risk" for disease and obesity related illness.

If you are in the "danger zone" it is essential to take steps to lower your BMI through cleaning up your diet, getting activity into your day, and managing your stress levels. A holistic approach to weight loss is the most effective, in that the premise for this approach is intended to lead to permanent, healthy lifestyle change, rather than reaching for the next fad diet or magic supplement. Good nutrition, exercise, and addressing any emotional, mental issues, as well as creating life balance and managing stress levels, are key components of a balanced weight loss program. The idea is that the changes that are made are for life, not for a week or two. If the root cause of the weight gain is  not properly attended to, the weight will often come back. Take some steps toward getting healthy, and the weight will eventually take care of itself. Getting healthy from within, is the path to lasting change.

Yours in good health,

Leanne Oaten is a Holistic Counsellor and healthy lifestyle coach. She assists others on their path to health, wellness and reaching their healthy, ideal body weight through a holistic approach.
She can be reached at 250-319-3630


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