Monday, July 22, 2013

products you may be using that are toxic to your health

Detoxify your body& home
The word 'detox' has become a buzz word related to anything from diets plans, detox products, spa treatments, and certain super foods know for their detoxifying properties.
Keeping your body and home clear of as many toxins as possible, is an important part to staying healthy, and preventing disease.  There is endless information and books on the subject of detoxification, but here I will give you a simple version of a few simple changes you can make to reduce your exposure to unhealthy toxins.

 There are many cleanse kit products available at most health food stores, as well as detox diet plans and books to guide you through foods to avoid, and lifestyle changes to make to assist in the detoxification process. If you feel drawn to use some of those products, and that works well for you, then by all means continue to do what is working. 

Here are some additional ways to decrease your exposure to toxins:

~ Use natural skincare products that are free from parabens and other toxic preservatives and chemicals. There are many wonderful products available made with all natural, safe ingredients. Remember this rule of thumb: If you can't eat it, it shouldn't be put on your skin! Not that you would eat body wash, but the point is that the ingredients should be pure enough that if you did ingest some every day,  over time, you wouldn't get sick. Our skin absorbs everything we put on it!

~ Eat organically grown produce
Pesticides are used on just about everything conventionally grown from grains to produce. Do your best within your budget to purchase and consume organic foods as much as possible. For a list of the most heavily sprayed produce read: How to save money on organic produce

~ Switch to healthy fats/oils
For cooking the best oil by far is coconut oil. It does not become toxic at high tempratures like other oils, and is great for anything from baking (in place of butter or other oils/margarine) to cooking, to use as a facial and body moisturizer! Extra Virgin, cold pressed coconut oil is best. (Costco has amazing organic coconut oil)

~Green clean your home
There are no excuses anymore to use Mr. Clean and those other harsh cleaning products! When you clean with chemicals, you are breathing in all the vapors, which are absorbed into your body, and are not good for your health, as well as your pets, and children- and the environment when they are rinsed down the drain.
I love using natural products that smell like essential oils and plant extracts, rather than synthetic fragrances and chemicals. A good brand that works well, and is comparable in price to the chemical laden types, is Clorox Green works. They have laundry/dish soap and other effective cleaners that work great.

Open your windows daily to allow fresh air to circulate, as well. Our indoor air quality can become more toxic than the air outside!

These are just a few things you can do to begin living greener and cleaner. Have fun with it, try new products and enjoy knowing that they are healthy and not toxic to your health!


Leanne Oaten
Holistic Counsellor/ Wellness Leader


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