Saturday, June 14, 2014

My (almost) zero sugar detox- day 7

So, tomorrow morning marks day 7 of this challenge, and while I feel I have done really well, reading labels and avoiding obvious sources of added sugar-I have to be honest, I have not been perfect- and I am okay with that. There have been small traces in a few things I have consumed, but in the past, when I would do something like this, I would beat myself up for the perceived 'failure' of eating something 'forbidden' and make myself miserable- but I am so over that now!

I am doing this my way, with my own rules, not rules imposed on me by anyone else. I am exceeding my own expectations! My personal intention with doing this is to see how I feel after cutting out the main sources of sugar in my diet, strictly for health reasons. It is not to lose weight or reach some ideal body, it is to feel amazing in THIS body that I have now.

Positives I have noticed while cutting the sugar so far:
-no headaches
-less tummy upsets
-more energy
-clearer headed and more focused

I didn't have a lot of sugar to cut out, so this list is pretty minimal, as is the positive effects- I think because I had such a low sugar diet in the first place, this has been pretty easy for me. I have had no 'withdrawal' symptoms that often go along with cutting sugar (this can be especially bad if one had a high sugar/processed food diet prior to doing a cleanse) but I have had little effect, other than the occasional thought or desire to have something sweet after dinner.

The other area that has been especially hard is that I am drinking my morning java with no sugar. I have to say, I do not like the taste of coffee without a little sweetener in it, so I am finding myself having a few sips if it, and leaving it, so I am having very minimal caffeine as well. And I am surviving!

As far as other awareness's I have had, I am blown away by how many foods have sugar in them! Mayonnaise, breads (even the Silver Hills ones have some!), ketchup, crackers,  pretty much everything processed, in a package, has sugar in it in some form!

One thing I know for sure, once this 30 days is up, while I won't be as strict, I am definitely going to continue reading labels, and putting products back on the shelf that have sugar in the ingredients list.

One big and profound way to reduce sugar intake immediately in our diets- stop buying processed food as much as possible!

Again, not striving for perfection, just improvement, and greater awareness about how much sugar I am putting in my body. Here is another lengthy but super-informative article on this topic written by Dr. Frank Lipman. I recommend anything authored by him, as he definitely knows his stuff!

If you are doing this along with me, and are craving something naturally sweet, here is a super delicious sugar-free smoothie that tastes like a treat, but is full of healthy ingredients:

It is originally from Genuine Heath, but I have adapted it slightly. It is deee-licious!

Creamsicle Smoothie

  • 1 scoop vegan (vanilla or unflavored) protein powder
  • 1 tbsp. orange flavored omega or plant oil
  • 1 scoop greens powder (make sure it's sugar free and minimally processed)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp. fresh orange rind (do not skip this, it makes the smoothie)
  • 1/2 coconut water (or filtered water) and few ice cubes- to desired consistency
(Serves 2 for snack sized, or serves 1 as a meal for breakfast or after a work out to replenish)
Blend all ingredients until well mixed, add protein at the end and blend just enough to incorporate.


If you have any comments or questions, do so below, or find me on Facebook and connect with me there!

Yours in vibrant, sugar- free health.
 Visit my website


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