Monday, June 8, 2015

How to tap into your Intuition and start creating a life you love

Do you find yourself obsessing, ruminating and overthinking every single detail of everything that happens? Can you come up with a list of 100 possible scenarios for how something could turn out and this clouds your decision making ability? Do you have a hard time making decisions because you rely more on what you think rather than how you feel?

You are not alone!

This is something I am always actively working on in my life, and every single person I have worked with has had this going on to some degree in their life. It is often why we become stuck. Literally, we become stuck in our heads, and disconnect from our heart, soul, intuition, and inner-knowing.

"Most of our logical thinking is fear based"

Most of the time we are operating and making decisions with our logical (thinking) mind and that can lead us down many different paths -in the wrong direction. Most of our logical thinking is fear based, and creates fear stories that keep us stuck.

 When we tap into our intuition (our greatest source of empowerment) we start to operate from our deepest inner knowing, our soul~truth.

How do you know when you are operating from your soul and intuitive knowing?

~ Calm: You feel a sense of inner peace, confidence and safety

~ Clarity: The feeling of being empowered and connected to your truth. Uncertainty vanishes.

~  Flow: Life just flows

~ Fun: You are having FUN!

~ Joy: You feel joyful, alive and full of inspiration

~ Trust: you know that all is working out for your highest good, even if you are not sure what that is

~Synchronicity: You are seeing signs everywhere that speak to
 you. (Seeing someone you were thinking about earlier that day, humming a song and it comes on the radio, certain repeated number patterns come to you (1:11, 11:11. 3:33) I have had this one happening BIG time lately! These are all just signs from the Universe that you are on the right track, and that you are being guided by a force beyond physical sight.

Signs we are disconnected from our intuition:

 ~ Fear: We are feeding into the fear story. Fear thoughts, worry, obsessive thinking, trying to control circumstances. We mostly operate from fear based thoughts.

~Stuck: You do not know what to do or how to improve the situation.

~ Weak: You feel dis-empowered over your own life- like you have no power over your life circumstance and no way to change your current situation. You feel like a victim of circumstance.

~ Addictions: You engage in self numbing behaviors, or drink, drug, eat, whatever you can do to numb and distract from what you are feeling.

The beautiful part is that when we are able to live fully from the heart, and less from the ruminating, fear based, obsessive thinking mind, life begins to flow. Joy becomes the norm rather than fear, depression, sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness. And health issues and physical symptoms, depression and anxiety begin to miraculously disappear!

How do we tap into our intuition?

~ Prayer: I love this one from Gabrielle Bernstein: "Thank you for showing me creative solutions beyond my physical sight".

~ Mediation: Even 5 minutes of sitting and tuning in when we are unsure or feeling low, dark energies can shift us to a higher feeling place. Aim for 15 minutes daily, more is always better.

~ Get into nature: The trees and the birds and the sky will speak to you- just listen. Turn off the iTunes, and just sit on a rock or in the middle of the forest and listen. This is one thing that always shifts me in big ways. I crave being in the trees or by the ocean, it literally feeds my soul.

~ Create space: Make space in your life for alone time, free of texting, cell phones, emails and t.v. Make time for activities that feed your soul and connect you with yourself. Cross of the unnecessary "to do's" on your list, and create a life based around your wellness rather than around your work and endless daily tasks. Make your self a priority! Your happiness, health and emotional well-being should always be at the top of the priority list.

For more on this subject read:

In~ Power Hour- 21 Days to a..
All it takes is a little shift to change your life!

Wishing you a soul~full day,
~Leanne Oaten
Holistic Counsellor R.P.C,c

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