Sunday, September 27, 2015

If you have to force it...let it go

Something that I am really practicing consciously in my life, in all areas, is to learn to let go of things that are not meant for me.
I tend to hang on for dear life to things, ideas, visions, expectations of what others 'should' or 'should not' do, and I have a strong will, and tenacity - which are two of my greatest strengths, but are sometimes also my greatest weakness.
If there is something in your life that is causing great mental and emotional strain, or you find yourself fighting an inner battle of how you can force things to be the way you want them to be [but they are far from it] I suggest looking within to see what you may need to let go of.

As soon as we let go, we free up mental and spiritual space to allow the things meant for us to enter.

A web developer or other hired assistant that you have to continually email to see if she is 'on' the tasks that you have hired her for? Let her go. There is someone else out there better suited to be on your team.

A vision for a business venture that isn't quite what you thought it would be, let the idea of how it "should" be go to allow for inspiration to enter and the universe to guide you to what is in your highest purpose. Sometimes what we think we want is not actually in our highest good, and if we are open we will receive guidance toward what we are truly meant to do.

A relationship that is all force and no ease, and you feel you have to carry the weight of making all the changes for- let go of that behavior and turn the focus on YOU, or in some cases, you may need to let go of the relationship entirely.

Whatever is taking up a great deal of your mental, emotional and spiritual space in the form of stress, obsessive and fixated thinking and ruminating, or in the form of insomnia because you can't stop thinking and worrying about it, that is a sign there may something you need to let go of. Only you know the answer to what that is. Sometimes it is simply a thought, a viewpoint or belief. Other times it is a bigger decision you may have to make.
Make room for the new, by intentionally releasing the old. 

Wishing you ease in letting go of what is no longer serving you.

Leanne Oaten
Registered Holistic Counsellor R.P.C

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