Thursday, October 8, 2015

Naturally Boost your Immune System: How to NOT get sick this Winter

Germ Theory informs us that we need to kill the microbes, as they are the cause of sickness. Biological Terrain Theory stipulates that it is the health of the host and the strength of the immune system that determines whether or not one gets sick.

Its that time of year again, the kids back to school, exposed to more germs, we are all gathered more in close quarters indoors, getting less sunlight, less time out doors, and in turn, less Vitamin D! Vitamin D is essential for our immune health and mood. Low vitamin D levels are linked to immune dysfunction as well as depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (A.K.A  the Winter Blues) and depression can cause lowered immune function. It is all interconnected!

There are some theories and doctors that suggest that there is no such thing as "cold and flu season" but that we are more prone to illness this time of year because of the above conditions I just listed.

Many hold strong to the "Germ Theory", that we must kill all germs and bacteria to avoid illness, hence why so many people are obsessed with hand sanitizing chemicals, bleach and chemical cleaners to 'kill' off the germ. This is also behind the Obsessive compulsive need to wash your hands and avoid public places. Yes, this was me. I admit it. I still visit there from time to time when someone in my house is ill - but I also know that I have a lot of power to keep myself strong and healthy - and not succumb to a virus, just because a family member is sick. Based on my research, I have settled into the comforting belief of the Biological Terrain Theory. We are exposed to so many different germs and bacteria in a given day, more than we even are aware of! And most of them do not make us fall ill. Gross, yes. But this is actually GOOD NEWS!

For example, have you had the experience of your family all coming down with a flu, cold or stomach bug, while you have cared for them, cleaned up vomit, been coughed all over, and somehow, by the powers of the Universe, you didn't get sick?

What does this mean exactly?

This proves that we do have the ability to resist certain bacteria and viruses, IF our immunity is running at an optimal level.

Again, this is good news, because now you can empower yourself and find ways to strengthen your immunity, and have less sick days this year!

Our health - and immunity - are directly linked. And both require an overall approach using holistic methods of caring for the body, mind and soul.

Signs your immunity may need some support:

~ Frequent illness, you seem to catch everything that is 'going around'
~ illness that drags on for more than 7-10 days
~ frequent or reoccurring respiratory infection
~ Skin rashes
 ~ chronic sinusitis and chronic allergies
~ frequent infections

If you would like to reduce your number of sick days, and improve your immune system dysfunction
related symptoms,  I encourage you to focus on doing all that is within your power to strengthen your your body's inner functioning. Through stress management, proper nutrition, addressing candida overgrowth and digestive issues, avoiding foods you are sensitive or allergic to, specific supplementation, and lifestyle practices that support vital health, you can make a difference in your overall health all year long.

 If you would like to join a supportive community of women, I invite you to come on over to my interactive Facebook Women's Holistic Health Community for more tips, and support on your journey to whole being health.

You can also like my Holistic Counselling  Fan Page and get mental and emotional wellness tips and information.

I also offer Wellness Consultations to assist you in addressing your most challenging health issues from a holistic perspective, in person or via Skype.

I will leave you with this simple reminder : The greatest Wealth is GOOD health. 

Stay healthy. Stay Grateful.

If you found this blog helpful, go ahead and forward this onto others that may benefit from this information it may help them as well!

 Leanne Oaten R.P.C
Registered Holistic Counsellor

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