Monday, November 30, 2015

Principles to Greatness and Overcoming Stuck~ness

Wherever you are right now in your life, I will take a shot in the dark, and guess that there is an area you would like to improve. Maybe it's your health, relationships, work life, parenting, or even feelings of depression and anxiety. Perhaps you are over-stressed and overwhelmed, and aren't sure what to do to shift into a better feeling place.

Here's the thing I know about how to get unstuck: You have to intentionally move forward.
Whether it is a tiny move, or a bold move, to get unstuck you have to step forward, and keep stepping forward toward what you want more of in your life.

Need to get exercising becasue you want to slim down and get in better shape, but everything feels lke too much? Lace up those shoes and vow to take a 10 minute walk. Chances are, once you get going you will keep goin linger!

Want to clean up your diet, but a complete overhaul feels daunting? Start with having a smoothie in the morning and incorperating more vegetables into your day.

Do you wake up in the morning feeling uninspired and unmotivated? Have something to look forward to once you get up.

Feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list? Unplug, and do something for yourself to reset your system. Even if it is just for 30 minuted. Sometimes when I am feeling this way, I plug into an inspiring pod cast, or audio book from one of my favorite new thought authors, and the feelings shift into feeling more on track, and remind me of why I am here on this earth, and it is not to feel stuck, overwhelmed, and stressed out!

As an entrepreneur, and mother of 3 I wear many hats. I play many roles, and often have so many things on the go at once, I can get pretty overwhelmed. I have to blance out my creative side tha wants to plan and be onto the next thing, with my need for grounding and integrating what I have already accomplished - and allow myself a rest day. 

I woke up this morning with a feeling of heaviness and questioning why I am doing what I am doing - maybe going back to school and getting a 'real' job would be easier than all this work to build my own dreams  (a feeling known by every single entrepreneur at times!)
I sat with this feeling for awhile, got up go the kids off to school at settled in for my morning ritual of coffee, feeling grateful to have the morning off. I even overcame the urge to open my laptop and get a bit of work in before my afternoon clients - intuitively knowing I needed to leave the to-do list, I put on an inspiring podcast for entrepreneurs that really shifted my mindset. I was reminded of why I am doing what I am doing, and 

It's OK to fall, have struggles, or times when we feel like giving up - the key is not to stay there. If you find yourself in a funk, feeling overwhelmed, and discouraged, here are my 8 principles to finding your way through, and coming out the other side. 

1) Accept where you are fully as if you had chosen it. Own it and let whatever you feel be what it is. No judging yourself or piling on the guilt or shame for feeling how you are feeling. Fighting how we feel is the surest way to anchor those feelings within, and prevent them from moving through us. Emotions need to move. 

Feel it to heal it.

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