Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How stressed out are you? Some tips to help you relax

 STRESS. We all have it, we can not always avoid it, but we can do a lot to manage it, by taking action, building self- awareness, and learning to create more balance in our lives.

Stress becomes toxic when it is chronic and ongoing. When the demands put upon us, 
outweigh the reserves we have available within us to effectively manage what is required of us.

 Most people are functioning with a high level of chronic stress, and the worst part is, they often aren't even aware that what they are experiencing in their lives through physical, emotional, and mental illness, is likely being caused by, or being made worse by chronic, out of control stress levels. For more on this read: Stress and your health

One of the first things we can do to begin to manage our stress levels, is to become more aware of our symptoms, mood, relationships, happiness and the state of our health.

Opening our minds to the truth that stress is toxic, and can make us sick, tired and  unhappy is the first place to begin.

Once we become more connected, and tuned~ in to our mind/body connection, from that place we can get curious about what is behind our pain, be it, emotional, physical, or mental symptoms.

For me, I know when I am feeling stressed, (along with a million thoughts, ideas, and to-do's racing around in my mind),  is that my breathing becomes shallow, I get tight in my chest, and my back between my shoulders begins to ache. I have also noticed, that it is only during certain times of the day (usually the end of the day) and when I am feeling overwhelmed, tired and in need of some quiet time. With this awareness, I now take 5 minutes- or more if I can- and lay down, do some deep breathing and reset. I can then return to whatever I was doing before, feeling more grounded, and peaceful. I have also learned, that practicing extreme self-care daily to stay balanced, is essential in managing my day to day stress levels.

Here is my 3 step plan for stress management:

1. Awareness. Get tuned in to your body's signals. Take note of what is happening for you. Do you get a headache on days you have too much to do? Does your back ache when your endless list of to-dos are running around in your mind? Do you get a stomach ache when you are in conflict with someone? Do you become "worried sick"? That figure of speech actually carries a lot of truth! We definitely can worry ourselves sick.

2. Turn on the relaxation response. As soon as you become aware of your triggers, and the way your body speaks to you, it is time to do something that turns on the relaxation response. Some suggestions for alternative treatments to stress are below, but simply removing yourself from the stressful situation, going somewhere quiet, and engaging in some breath work/relaxation techniques, and re- framing any thought patterns that are creating the stress response, are all that is needed in the moment.

3. Do a 'mind-dump'. Write down everything that is weighing on your mind, either in a journal, or a sheet of paper...let it just flow out onto the page, without analyzing or judging it. Swear if you must, write whatever comes to mind. Taking it out of your head, and putting it on paper is very therapeutic, and allows you to release some of the thoughts rattling around in your head. You will be amazed at how effective this is! If you have a way to safely burn the writing, this is a very powerful and therapeutic practice.

One last thought, if you are able to round out this 3 step plan with some exercise, this is a very powerful way to move stress through the body. Even if all you have time for is a 10 minute brisk paced walk. Adding a minimum of 30 minutes of physical movement into your day, most days of the week, is essential for health, and stress management.

Keep in mind, that keeping our tanks topped up takes diligence, self-awareness, and creating some time in your day, every day, to allow for relaxation, rejuvenation and pleasure. When our reserves are built up, by using some the techniques suggested, we are better able to manage the unexpected snags and rough patches that come our way. When we are busy, and life is throwing all kinds of stuff at us all at once, or we just have a period where a lot is happening in a short period of time,  this is definitely no time to neglect your self-care. In fact, it is the most important time to increase more relaxation, and pleasurable activities into your day, to offset the pressure, and overwhelm you may be experiencing.

Until next time, keep calm, and get your relaxation on!

Leanne Oaten
Holistic Counsellor & Soul Centered Life Coach
Visit  www.soulworkcounselling.com for more information and upcoming workshops and events.

For more reading, I found this informative article that goes more into depth about unhealthy stress.

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