Thursday, March 19, 2015

3 things to start practicing today for greater happiness, balance and stress management

There was a time in my life, not so very long ago, that I never could have imagined I would be writing about, coaching or advising anyone about living a calm, grounded, joyful, and happy life.

While I have worked very long and hard to get to a place where I am able to guide people out of the darkness they may be experiencing, and I can teach people how to find greater joy, health and well-being through my personal experiences and knowledge, I still have times when I find myself in a hot mess. Usually this is because I have gotten too busy, and let the practices go that keep me grounded, and balanced. But I am more OK with that now, because what I now know, and am about to share with you, is how to regain my emotional balance, ground my inner equilibrium, transform the darkness into light, depression into hope, anxiety into grounding, and inner turmoil into refining and resetting my priorities. I am continually assessing my life, to see what I need to let go of, and what I need to start doing more of, to restore my inner balance.

 Here are 3 things I do that work for me, and you can start doing today, to bring more of a sense of calm, contentedness, and happiness into your days.

1) Create a personal sanctuary.
One of the first homework assignments I like to give my clients, is for them to create a sacred healing space. A place they can come to again, and again, to connect with themselves. It can be simply a corner of a room that is created just for the purpose of reconnecting with, and replenishing yourself.

No matter what is happening in my life, I have this space to center myself through meditation, writing, reading, or just sipping my morning coffee or tea in pure silence. The kids know that no toys are allowed in this room, so I encourage you to set this boundary in your home as well, if you have young children that tend to take over the house!

In a space like this, it is nice to be surrounded by beautiful things that you love, and are meaningful to you, such as photos, memorabilia, flowers, plants, healing crystals, candles, incense, your favorite books, quotes, whatever it is that has meaning for you. The coffee table in the photo is from the early 70's, and was my Grannies. I have so many memories of having tea with her at this table as a little girl, and so many of my family gathered around it in her living room. It has huge personal meaning to me, and I love this piece of furniture because of the good memories it evokes.

2) Make your Self-Care a high priority every single day. If all you have is 30 minutes make it count. It is easy to fill that time with dishes, or texting, or working, and so on, however we will be much more content, productive and present for those who need us most, if we take this time for ourselves every single day. The dishes, laundry and emails can wait, better to invest in filling ourselves up so we have energy to give to those we love, and to the tasks that truly need our attention.
Take a hot bath, have some time in your sacred space doing whatever fills you up, make tea, stretch, read a book, go for a walk. It doesn't matter what it is you do, as long as it is something that brings you joy and a feeling of being replenished afterwards. My promise to you, is that if you make the time for YOU to do these things every day, you will feel like a different person.

3) Practice tuning in to your nutrition intuition. Love your body enough to feed it with love, and high-vibe foods such as raw veggies, fruit, salads, nuts and seeds. Are you craving salads suddenly,or more fruit, can't get enough smoothies or green juice? Put off of meat and gravitate toward more vegetarian foods? Or the opposite, is your body craving meat suddenly?Is the thought of a green smoothie sickening when you've spent the past month downing them no problem? Listen to these messages. If you don't
normally eat meat, and your mouth is watering at the site of a big juicy burger, or steak perhaps you are low in iron? If you do choose to eat meat, do so in moderation, and go for ethically raised, hormone free, organic when you do. (Best to avoid any extra hormones or antibiotics throwing things off in our delicate systems!)

Our body is always telling us what it needs- if we can just tune in and listen. As long as those cravings are not for doughnuts, cakes, cookies and food that does not nourish the body, mind and soul, go for it. Of course indulgences are necessary, it is not about perfection, but how can you allow for those indulgences, in a healthier way?
Some of my favorite treats come from the  Oh She Glows cookbook and blog. Seriously, if you want some healthy treats, and want to try out some scrumptious animal free recipes, this is an amazing place to begin!You can eat healthy and delicious, it just takes getting into the kitchen and creating real food at home, rather than food that comes out of a package.

Nourishing our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self on a daily basis, is the way to living healthier, and happier, and is the key to healing any health issue of the body, or mind such as depression, or anxiety. My experience is that when life gets busy, I tend to move away from my practices, and everything starts to go sideways. Once I get back to making myself a priority, especially when I am busy, everything flows so much better in all areas of my life.

If you are struggling, feeling stuck, or just feel burned out, worn down, and not sure where to start, try out these tips.

If you would like more support, I work with people to assist them in achieving greater happiness and fulfillment in their lives through holistic coaching and counselling. For a limited time, I am offering FREE 30 minute phone consultations addressing your 3 top health concerns.
Contact me to book your appointment.

Wishing you an inspired day,

Leanne is a Holistic Mind-Body Health Coach and offers regular classes, workshops, and one to one coaching programs to assist others in finding greater health, happiness, and well-being. 
Visit: Soulwork Holistic Counselling for services and upcoming programs.
Contact Leanne: 250-319-3630 |
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