Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My suggsted reading list for creating an awesome life

Just a few of the books I own ;)

I love books, and always have..however; novels are not my thing. I will admit, I got sucked into the 50 Shades series (because a friend insisted I take a break from all of my psychology studying when I was in school), and I gave in, to appease her. While I did end up enjoying the read  (and the diversion), I get the most satisfaction out of reading books that inspire me, teach me new ways of seeing the world, and offer new ideas when I am feeling stuck in certain areas of my life. So, if you are strictly a novel reader (and hate self-help/personal growth books) this list may not be for you.

 Because I am often asked what books I recommend on various topics related to health/wellness and personal growth, and recently had a follower request my favorites, I have decided to create a running list of my favorites, which I will add to as I discover new ones.

Health/Wellness/Weight Loss:

"Full-Filled" and the Renee Method was a life changer for me. I use some of her methods in my emotional eating workshops, and with clients experiencing issues around food/weight loss.
Her website:

"Ultra Metabolism" by Dr. Mark Hyman (or any of his books) they are invaluable to have as a go-to health resource, and are full of so much info about cleaning up your diet and getting healthy from the inside out. I love his holistic approach because it is about life style changes, not quick-fix fad diets. Again, another life changing book!

"Adrenal Fatigue-The 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by Dr. J Wilson
A must read if you are always tired, sick and stressed out, or already know you have adrenal burnout.

"Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom" by Christiane Northrup M.D
Every single woman should have a copy of this and refer to it as a often as possible. It is in my opinion, a women's holistic health bible and it is truly amazing. I encourage all women to research and seek out anything she has written, as her work is ongoing.

"Green Housekeeping" A bible on detoxifying your home and life.

"Natural Baby & Childcare" Full of remedies and advice on raising children the natural way. I still refer to this book as my children grow. When they are sick, I use the homeopathic guide included here.

Personal development/Self-love & Healing

Anything written by Louise Hay & Cheryl Richardson. They are amazing, and their books will stir your soul! If I could choose just one from each author it would be: "The Art of Extreme Self-Care" by Cheryl, and "You can Heal Your Life" by Louise.

"The Power of Intention" by Wayne Dyer
An intense, heavier read, but invaluable reference for getting serious about manifesting your desires through your power of intention.

"Living with Joy" by Sanaya Roman
This is a beautifully written book and lives up to it's title. Lots of good stuff about living with more joy!

"The Gifts of Imperfection" & "Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown. (Reading these right now, it will change the way you look at yourself, and those around you!)


"Parenting from the Inside Out" by Siegel Hartzell
A beautiful book for parents of children from conception- teen years, it is timeless advice, but not for the faint at heart. This book requires you to go deep within!

Spiritual Growth (Soul-work)
*Many of the books I have suggested have spiritual components but here are some of my favorite authors of spirit-growth.

"Spirit Junkie" by Gabrielle Bernstein
"Broken Open" by Elizabeth Lesser

Anything by Marianne Williamson

Mind/Body Healing

*These books cover our emotions and how they are often connected to our physical condition and symptoms. There are too many books on this to count, but these are my 3 go-to books that I am always referring to.

"You can Heal you Life" by Louise Hay
"Your Body Speaks you Mind" by Deb Shapiro
" Mind Over Medicine" by Lissa Rankin

 I will continue to add more as they come to me. Now head to the book store, or library and find the one that is calling for you to read first!

Happy reading :)


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