Monday, April 29, 2013

Choose your beliefs wisely: Are your beliefs holding you back?

What have you chosen to believe about yourself, your life, and other people? Did you know that you can change your beliefs?  You definitely can! So, if a certain belief. or way of seeing the world is not serving you, and makes you feel badly-choose a different belief or change the way you are looking at the situation!

For example, this was one of my old belief patterns that eventually became toxic for me. Not only did it make me feel badly to live with this belief, it didn't do anything for helping me reach my ideal body and health goals either! It sucked the enjoyment out of life, and complicated what should be a very simple thing. Eat well, only when you are hungry- stop when you are full. Move your body every chance you can during the day, find exercise you enjoy, and do that. Repeat.

Old belief/ thought pattern that no longer serves me: I must exercise like crazy, and burn more calories than I take in. I must work at an intensity level that allows me to burn the most calories-even if I hate the exercise that I am doing. I have to count my calories every day to make sure I am not going over my daily limit. If I slip up and do not follow these rules, I am a failure.

New belief/thought pattern:  I trust my body's inner wisdom, and listen to it's signals. I eat only when I am hungry,  and stop when I am full. I choose to eat foods that make me feel good. I make sure to exercise in some way that I enjoy most days of the week. I adopt a balanced, healthy lifestyle, and know I will be naturally thin because I am developing daily, life-long, attainable habits that I can carry with me for the rest of my life.

Now it's your turn! Grab a pen and paper and give some thought to beliefs that you have that you feel are weighing you down, and sucking the enjoyment of life out of  you. Just begin writing them down as they come to you, do not censor or second guess what comes up...just write until you have nothing left to write. Next,  think about how you can change these beliefs into new beliefs that will support your growth. Keep in mind, that often, many of the beliefs that we carry with us through life, were never ours to begin with. They may come from your childhood, we often take on our parents beliefs, and they became your beliefs, or your best friend, partner, or favorite author's beliefs and views of the world slowly became yours as well. Perhaps it is society in general, and the belief we must conform to what everyone else believes and thinks, instead of questioning it, and deciding if it really makes sense for us to buy into a certain way of seeing things.

  It is a beautiful thing when we realize that we always hold the power to change our thoughts and beliefs into ones that better serve or souls evolution. We don't need to carry the heaviness of negative belief patterns.
We always have a choice to behave, think and believe differently!

~Leanne Oaten

Holistic Counsellor, Healthy Living Coach

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